Happy Friyay! As we do here at the end of every month, here’s a brain dump of all my favorite reads collected over the weeks….
Posts Published by J. Money
More mental accounting forms: the “endowment effect” and “nudge theory”
So I found out there’s a term for what we were talking about the other day on treating your money differently depending on how you…
Top 10 Highest-Paying Jobs With Low Stress
Looking for a new job? One that pays well without much stress? No problem – here’s a list of some of the best ones according…
New Book (and Giveaway): “Women with Money” by Jean Chatzky
Morning! Had a calendar item pop up to post about this today, and then realized what good timing it was coming off our post last…
Do you treat your money differently depending on *how* you get it?
Was thinking about the way I spend my money, and noticed how drastically I treat it depending on *how* exactly I come across it ;)…
Some money jokes for impressing people 😂
Been a lot of serious finance talk on the blog this week, so thought we’d liven it up a bit today and pass along some…
Do you make more than your spouse? How is it going for you??
Was looking over our finances yesterday, and realized that for the first time since knowing my wife she’s actually making more money than me! Hubba…
9 Questions to Ask Before Buying a House
Morning! So we’re three weeks into our house hunting journey now, and I gotta admit – I’m starting to come around to it more :)…
Would you ever bank with Amazon, Facebook or Google?
Caught this stat the other day and thought I’d get your opinion of it ;) 58% of Millennials would consider banking with Amazon, Facebook or…
When luxuries become necessities
Morning, guys! So I’ve started subscribing to some new newsletters lately to better expand the ol’ mind, and this last one I read byΒ David Perell…