INSIDE: Here are a bunch of debt free charts you can download and color in to keep you motivated! All for FREE, courtesy of…
Posts Published by J. Money
Challenging the Vanguard Faith (or how Fidelity’s ZERO expense funds are increasingly tempting!)
Last September I got the following note from a reader of the blog: Hi J$, Not sure if you caught some interesting news, but Vanguard’s…
“How I Grew My Net Worth to $300,000 in My 20s” – The Financial History of The Money Wizard
Morning guys! Got another financial history report to share today! This time from fellow reader-turned-blogger, The Money Wizard, who tells us how he’s amassed $300,000+…
PS: Your life doesn’t magically change when you retire!
Good morning! So USAA hit me up the other day asking if I’d like to partner with them on their #LifeUninterrupted campaign, and after reading…
Things that make your life better for under $50
Morning y’all! Hope you had a good weekend! Came across this poll on things that genuinely make your life better, and an hour later I…
Been seeing this #OneGoodThing idea floating around the internet lately, and thought it would make for some great introspection today :) There’s always something we…
6 more $$$ hacks!
Here are a bunch more hacks to add to that FIRE Spreadsheet ;) I was going to wait until I had a little more saved…
Jimmy’s History of Personal Finance
[What up what up! Been getting a TON of response from our post the other day on the history of our net worth, so thought…
“Why don’t we celebrate the things we DON’T have?”
Got this excellent note from a friend, and had to share it today as a reminder that the journey to freedom is as much about…
*How* we grew our net worth to $900k
It dawned on me the other day that unless you’ve been reading the blog for a while, you probably haven’t a clue *how* we’ve grown…