Morning! This is going to be totally random, but caught myself humming some lullabies to my kids last night, and didn’t realize just HOW HORRIBLE…
Posts Published by J. Money
Are you ever frugal by accident?
“There are two ways to be rich: One is by acquiring much, and the other is by desiring little.” – Jackie French Koller That’s one…
From Monk to Money Manager
Good morning friends!!! Have a really cool story to share with you today, but it’s a long one so make sure to tell all your…
It’s National SAFE Day! Who wants a free one + $100?! :)
Morning! Bet you didn’t know you’d wake up to THIS today! :) But it’s actually a real day, and all geared around keeping those people…
Net Worth Report β May: $883,910.63 (-$40,055.44)
Whelp – another month, another financial temper tantrum! Haha… Between the markets and our recent home buying expedition, our spreadsheets don’t know what to do…
Favorite reads this month ⭐
Morning! Ready for a whole new month to start tomorrow??! Remember when it was literally just April or March? Or New Years? Or partying like…
Q&A on investing, blogging, babies, Louboutins, podcasts, and other random questions asked recently :)
What up, what up! Here’s a bunch of questions I’ve answered over recent months in case anyone’s been dying to ask them as well ;)…
Interesting Financial Rules to Follow (?)
Came across this article from Kiplinger this morning, and can’t say I’ve heard of half these rules of thumb before, haha… Maybe that’s why they’re…
We’re homeowners again!!! But Iβm still struggling with it all…
So big news to share today! WE BOUGHT A HOUSE!!! AND ARE NOW HOMEOWNERS AGAIN! It was a pretty surreal event as I’d imagine most…
The King’s Highway
Once upon a time, a king had a great highway built for the people who lived in his kingdom. After it was completed, but before…