Favorite reads this month ⭐


Ready for a whole new month to start tomorrow??! Remember when it was literally just April or March? Or New Years? Or partying like it was 1999??? ;)

Pretty crazy how time flies, but at least we’re still all around and LIVING it!

(And if you’re not still around but somehow still managing to read this, check out the piece below on Lake Lanier which might be a more fun place for you to be hanging out ;))

For everyone else – enjoy these articles that got me thinking all month long! Some great tips and exercises in them!


ben franklin reading

Investing for Seven Generations by JL Collins — “The story goes, this idea originated with the Iroquois and is based on creating sustainability over the generations. It is commonly applied to environmental stewardship today, but it occurs to me that it applies equally to matters financial.”

How to Grasp Large Numbers Using Dollar Bills via EHD.org — “Whether you stack it, spread it, line it up, or spend it, we hope you’ll think of money and large numbers in a new way after you read this section.”

Should You Tell the World How Much Money You Make? via NY Times — “Ms. Green recently asked readers of her “Ask A Manager” website to share their job title, where they live and how much they make each year… Within a half-hour, she had 1,000 responses. A day later, so many people posted their salaries her website froze. So far, three weeks later, she has more than 26,000 responses, everything from an accountant in Chicago who makes $90,000 to a librarian in Austin who earns $39,000.”

plain notebook

5 Nuggets of Productivity Wisdom via ALifeofProductivity.com — “Your head is for having ideas, not holding them. This is the central tenant of David’s system, and in my opinion, this sticky idea is why his ideas have amassed such a large and loyal following. We have a limited amount of mental bandwidth to give to whatever we’re doing—and we shouldn’t waste any amount of this bandwidth on storing information and unresolved commitments in our head. We need to externalize those into some sort of system.”

Finding Your Purpose After Financial Independence by CanIRetireYet.com — “With all our focus on the mechanics of saving and investing, it’s easy to lose sight of the bigger picture. Is financial independence really your goal, or is your ultimate purpose something that lies beyond the dollars, something that wealth enables but doesn’t deliver on its own? ”

“My Three Cents” New Series via Yahoo! Finance — “My Three Cents, hosted by Jen Rogers, features raw and spirited conversations with celebrities and other newsmakers about the role money plays in their everyday lives. What did they learn about it growing up? How much money do they want? How much do they need? And are they impulse buyers or agonizers? Stars get candid in chats that are wide-ranging, deeply personal… and fun.”

vintage chest

The Liechtensteinian Lady Burglar and Her Mysterious Trunk via AtlasObscura.com — “Everyone loves the story of a good grift, from brilliant ruse to inevitable downfall. This week, we’re ushering in the spring of the swindle by highlighting the stories of the greatest con women in history.”

The 5 Minute Pitch by MyWifeQuitHerJob.com –> “The 5 Minute Pitch is a Shark Tank like show where we’ll have 32 contestants pitch us their business for the chance to win $50,000 in prize money. But unlike Shark Tank where the sharks take a piece of equity in the business, we are giving $50,000 to one lucky company with no string attached!”

Smartphones Are Toys First, Tools Second by David Cain — “I’m going to see if I can make my phone into the empowering digital supertool it would sound like to a 20th-century person. I want it to be as useful, and as boring, as I can make it. I want it to be attractive for intentional, practical uses, but not for a reflexive diversions—a Swiss Army knife, not a carnival, in my pocket. This is my latest lifestyle experiment. I will make my phone as utilitarian as possible, for 30 days, and see what I learn.”

Some interesting facts:

“San Francisco has the most billionaires per capita than any other city… For every 11,612 people in San Francisco, the study says, there’s one billionaire. And that’s a much smaller ratio than the second most billionaire-dense city. In New York City, there are 81,211 inhabitants for every one billionaire.”

“We’ve got approximately 54 million ounces here [West Point Mint] that we store, which is about 22% of the nation’s gold.” – Fox5ny.com

“At some point in the middle of this decade, the number of active cellphone subscriptions grew larger than the number of actual people on this planet…” – Quartz

“Within the next 50 years, Facebook could feel more like a place for the dead than the living. According to academics from the University of Oxford, by 2069, the dead could outnumber the living on the social network. The number of dead users on Facebook is growing at an unstoppable rate. In 2012, eight years after the platform launched, 30 million users had died. Today, it has over two billion users and an estimation of 8000 users die every day.” – TheNextWeb.com

“In northern Georgia sits Lake Lanier, a massive man-made lake with a dark history. In order to get it to the depth they wanted, the US Government bought or forced out over 250 families, 15 businesses, and 20 cemeteries so they could fill over 50,000 acres of prime farmland with water. At the bottom of Lake Lanier are entire intact ghost towns, left as they were when the government flooded them… Survivors of various accidents have reported feeling as if invisible hands were dragging them deep beneath the water.” – Ranker.com

Video of The Month ;)

A fun parody of Ariana Grande’s “7 Rings” by money coach and author, Fiscal Femme. With cameos from other financial bloggers for good measure! –> “Sa-Vings – an Ariana Grande ‘7 Rings’ Parody

Here’s to June!

Killer pic up top by Comfreak via Pixabay

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  1. Bryan May 31, 2019 at 7:49 AM

    “Facebook could feel more like a place for the dead than the living”…yet another reason why I avoid social media like the plague.

    1. J. Money May 31, 2019 at 9:43 AM

      Haha… I see what you did there.

      I haven’t had a personal FB account for almost 5 years now myself – don’t miss it a bit!

  2. Leila May 31, 2019 at 9:54 AM

    I live near Lake Lanier and have gone many, many times in my lifetime. I refuse to get in the water though. There have been many drownings there (or boat accidents), it’s like it’s cursed.

    One time when I was younger I was at the lake when a man drowned, I remember watching them retrieve his body from the water.

    Also, another good 7 Rings finance parody is by Aja Dang on YouTube! :)

    1. J. Money May 31, 2019 at 10:18 AM

      ACKKK Freaky!!!! I wouldn’t go in that water either!!!

      Going now to google Aja – thx :)