Morning! Remember our post on those 3 fails of mine because I didn’t listen to my dad years ago?? Well our friend Amy here has…
Posts Published by J. Money
Tomorrow is Official “Napoleon Hill Day”!
Fan of the book, “Think and Grow Rich”? Follow Napoleon Hill on Twitter or Facebook or any other social media platform, even though he’s been…
“Just one time!”
You ever catch yourself saying that whenever you’re about to splurge on something?? “JUST ONE TIME!” And then that one time becomes two times, and…
Log Cabin Ruth & Her Fantastic Side Hustles 💪💪
Morning! So the other day I randomly stumbled across this old email thread with a reader who was about to pay off her log cabin…
What’s Your Wealth Number?
If you’re tired of thinking about money in terms of “net worth,” here’s another way you can do it and more sneakily compare yourself to…
The Problem with “Free” (and My 2 New Yard Sale Rules)
Morning!! I know we’re late into the yard sale season here, but I recently enacted two new rules for my kids while out shopping, and…
Books over Candy this Halloween Season??!
Here’s an idea for you this Halloween season :) Give children *books* during trick or treating instead of candy! An initiative started by because…
Stats Bomb VI
What up what up! Opened an email that rattled off the below stats, and reminded me we haven’t done a good bombing of them in…
Phrases to use instead of “I Don’t Want to Spend Money”
Caught this on Twitter and had to reshare! Great alternatives! So many of us struggle with saying “no” to stuff, but it’s not because we…
Our Decision on The Benz!
INSIDE: Have you been asking yourself, “Should I buy a Mercedes Benz?” We did too, and we finally made our decision. Find out what it…