So this list was a lot harder to put together than our money one :) Apparently there’s a lot less synonyms for debt than there…
Posts Published by J. Money
How much do you need for a day of *Freedom*?
Caught this comment on the blog and had to run the numbers as soon as I saw it :) In response to our post on…
Things you can do that rich people do
Here’s a list of everything you can do whether you’ve got millions in the bank or not. So, basically, it’s a list of things to…
If I received $1,000 what would I do with it?
Here’s a fun exercise to add to your net worth reports every month :) (Or just RIGHT NOW – because who doesn’t like playing this…
Want these $$$ books?
Time again to declutter the ol’ bookshelves!, And something tells me you’ll appreciate these gems I found more than my “real life” friends would ;)…
D.A.R.E! [to stay away from debt]
It’s D.A.R.E. Week at my kids’ school this week, and after hearing the song they’re learning I noticed it sounded much better with “debt” swapped…
Started at the bottom, now we’re 1/20th of the way there!
This one’s for all you Aussies today ;) Alaya stops by the blog to share her journey tracking her net worth so far, which is…
Favorite Reads This Month ☕
Welcome to a brand new month! Here are a bunch of awesome articles for your perusal, which you’re ONLY allowed to read once you update…
A list of scary things I used to be addicted to (!)
Happy Halloween, everyone! Found this in my journal the other night and had a good laugh: Funny how much we can change over the years!…
60 Different Ways to Say “Money”
INSIDE: There are tons of different ways to say money, and I’ve listed them all out for you here. Bet you didn’t think there were…