D.A.R.E! [to stay away from debt]

It’s D.A.R.E. Week at my kids’ school this week, and after hearing the song they’re learning I noticed it sounded much better with “debt” swapped in there instead of “drugs” ;)

Here’s the song, tell me I’m not wrong?


I Will Dare

People can tell me what they’ve done.
Maybe some things. Maybe none.
But people can’t tell me what to do.
I will choose the way that’s true for me.
Don’t want to fall into the trap.
Don’t want to be somebody’s sap.
I’m better than that!
I’ll go to the mat to prove I can be [DEBT] free!
Yeah! Yeah!


D! I won’t do [DEBT]!
A! Won’t have an attitude!
R! I will respect myself!
E! I will educate me!


People can tell me what they know.
I will listen as I go.
But people can’t take my mind away.
Only I can have a say in me.
Don’t have to follow others’ path.
Don’t have to know their aftermath.
My mind is my own! I’ll reap what I’ve sown!
I know I can be [DEBT] free! Yeah, ye!


D! I won’t do [DEBT]!
A! Won’t have an attitude!
R! I will respect myself!
E! I will educate me!


I’m gonna beat the odds.
I won’t do [DEBT]. I won’t give in.
I’m gonna call the shots in my life.
And I’m gonna win.
Don’t push me. Don’t press me.
Don’t call me friend when
all you wanna do is drag me down.
It’s time for this to end!
Check your attitude at the door!
I do not want to score!
I only want to win
in this [DEBT] war!


I will dare!
I will dare!
I will dare!



Haha… Friends don’t let other friends do debt ;)

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  1. Aaron Gallagher November 5, 2019 at 6:58 AM

    What was your gateway debt?

  2. Mel November 5, 2019 at 8:11 AM

    Awesome post, made me laugh. My gateway debt was Sally Mae. I remember being in the finance office and she said “this is considered good debt”. Proud to say, other than some medical debt, she’s the last one to kick. Debt freedom is so close!

    1. J. Money November 5, 2019 at 1:42 PM

      Work it!!

      At least you get something of value at the end of the day! ;)

  3. Christine November 5, 2019 at 8:58 AM

    This is your brain.
    This is your brain on debt.
    Any questions?

    1. J. Money November 5, 2019 at 1:43 PM

      AHHHHHHH – SO GOOD!!!!

      Completely forgot about that one :)

  4. Christine November 5, 2019 at 8:59 AM

    Aw man my egg emoji didn’t come through! :-)

  5. Bobbi November 5, 2019 at 1:35 PM

    LOVE this! What a great campaign that could be – likening debt to drugs in all the ways you’ve all mentioned (the “gateway” reference, “This is your brain,” “Friends don’t let friends”) what a great crusade! I’d definitely join that “movement!”

    1. J. Money November 5, 2019 at 1:44 PM

      Pass it to everyone you know!!! :)