Hey guys! I rarely ask for anything on this site, but I’m compelled to do it today as I just found out a friend of…
Posts Published by J. Money
How is YOUR pleasure index going? (Hubba hubba)
The AICPA just came out with their latest Personal Financial Satisfaction index (PFSi), and looks like it reached an all-time high of 40.2, suggesting that…
Love your 401(k)? Enter this competition to win $1,000!
Just got this press release in my inbox and almost peed my pants: Applications are now open for the second annual 401(k) Champion Award, the…
How do you compare with your retirement savings?
INSIDE: Let’s break down the retirement savings statistics per age group. Where do you fit in? It’ll help you guage how well you’re doing. TD…
19 Things Future Multimillionaires Do…
Stumbled across this listicle and wondered if we’re all on the right trajectory or not ;) 19 Things Future Multimillionaires Do in Their 20s via…
The time will pass anyway
A quick reminder today: Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass…
3 Tricks I Do That Helps Me Be More Charitable
You know what really impresses me? Unicorns. You know what impresses me 10x more? People who naturally think of others before themselves :) Unfortunately for…
Giveaway: “The Richest Man in Babylon” and “Small Is the New Big” by Seth Godin
Found two new books at the thrift store if anyone wants them :) “The Richest Man in Babylon” by George S. Clason Β “Small Is The…
6 Different Wealth Levels and How They Affect Your Decisions
INSIDE: Here’s a great analysis by Nick Maggiulli on climbing the wealth ladder & how affluence increases in steps with wealth levels. Which one are…
Saving up for something? Buy the stock first!
Today’s a quickie but goodie for you ;) I’ve heard of buying stocks from places you love and use every day (in fact, I did…