Morning, friends!!! Welcome back to everyone who wasn’t scared away from yesterday’s post! ;) One of my favorite Canadian bloggers just released an AWESOME new…
Posts Published by J. Money
My last month on the blog :)
Morning friends, old and new! Welp, it’s that time of the journey where I start phasing out of the blog here and pass the torch…
“Friends Who Talk About Money” – A paid opportunity for an upcoming Podcast!
Hey guys! Got sent this opportunity and hoping some of you might be able to benefit from it :) It won’t make you rich, but…
A *FREE* Legacy Binder on the scene!
Morning, y’all! So many of you know how much I LOVE Chelsea’s “ICE” Binder she put out the other year (“In Case of Emergency” Binder)…
Life on the other side of the globe!
Morning, guys!! Stumbled across an old comment on the blog I tagged to share some day, and decided today’s that day before I forget again!…
I can officially die now… ;)
Welp friends, we finally checked off the last major part of managing our finances! We got a will and trust!! And it only took me…
Free 1 Year Membership for Coin Lovers!
Morning!! Just a quick note today on something cool our coin hobby is doing for National Coin Week this week :) For today and tomorrow…
How people make the most money on weekends 💰💰💰
So lots of GREAT entries into our book giveaway last week!!! Y’all made some good money on the weekends!! Wanted to share a handful of…
Walden – The Video Game!
Well here’s something you don’t see every day! A video game inspired by Henry David Thoreau! Who’s probably rolling in his grave right now at…
“I’m very happy and stable in this unstable time, ironically, unlike how lost and desperate I felt three years ago.”
Exactly three years ago on this day, we featured a reader of the blog who was suffering tremendously and trying to get a grip not…