“Friends Who Talk About Money” – A paid opportunity for an upcoming Podcast!

Hey guys!

Got sent this opportunity and hoping some of you might be able to benefit from it :)

It won’t make you rich, but it is a cool way to finally GET PAID TO TALK ABOUT MONEY all the time!  Haha… And it’s #Quarantined approved too as you can do it right from the comforts of your own home ;)

Here’s the note I received, along with further details on how to apply if interested…

Let me know if you end up going for it! Especially if you’re selected!

Hi there,

My name is Salome Oggenfuss and I am a casting director with NYC-based casting company Casting Double. We are currently casting a podcast called Friends Who Talk About Money produced by the life insurance company John Hancock, and we are looking for a range of people from all kinds of backgrounds to be featured…

This is a paid opportunity, and selected participants would be compensated at $300 for 2 x 1/2 days (5 hours each). If selected, you would record yourself from your own home for the actual podcast.

Please find all casting info and details on how to be considered at the following link:

Feel free to share this with anyone who might like to be considered! We are looking for a wide range of participants from all over the country.

Best regards,



More about the show:

‘Friends Who Talk About Money’ is a podcast with the mission to celebrate open conversations about money. Each episode, friends, relatives and couples will be brought together to discuss an element of their relationship that they might otherwise avoid – money.

Discussions will revolve around participants’ goals, challenges, habits and history. What’s the financial elephant in the room and how can it be addressed? A host will guide participants through a candid conversation about their unique financial situation. The conversations will be broken down with an expert who can offer a professional perspective and advice to help listeners navigate similar financial conversations in their own lives.

Breakdown of people needed for it:

  • Real parent (40’s-70’s) + Son/Daughter (20’s-40’s)
  • Real friends (20’s-70’s, all genders)
  • Real siblings (20’s-40’s, all genders)
  • Real couples (20’s-50’s, all genders)

Scenarios needing to be produced:

  • Scenario #1 – Parent and adult child to discuss money
  • Scenario #2 – Friends who started their career together but have since taken different paths
  • Scenario #3 – Family with adult children who share subscription services
  • Scenario #4 – Siblings or adult child and parent talking about aging parents’ finances
  • Scenario #5 – Couple dealing with career change or shift in breadwinner roles
  • Scenario #6 – Couple from different financial backgrounds
  • Scenario # 7 – Longtime friends discuss retirement planning
  • Scenario # 8 – Friends or a couple dealing with family planning

*The casting process will be fully web-based. Talent selected for the podcast will be set up to record themselves from their own homes. A microphone and guidance for recording at home will be provided.

Casting page: http://castingdouble.com/podcast
Application page: https://airtable.com/shrlAUIRULuiRNmOm
Email for questions: casting (at) castingdouble (dot) com

Good luck!!

They’re starting casting for it NOW, so make sure to get your application in if it’s something you want to do! They tell me they’ll keep it open a little longer if they don’t find the right people in time, but the official deadline as it stands is this upcoming Sunday…

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  1. Kelly May 1, 2020 at 12:26 PM

    As I read about the opportunity I was a little bummed to not see a scenario directly focused on something that applies to women. There’s so much content there.

    1. J. Money May 1, 2020 at 2:00 PM

      Hmm… you’re right none of them directly reference women, but over half of the scenarios up there very well could be women only talking about $$$? Good thing to bring up though for sure.

  2. One Cricketeer May 2, 2020 at 8:21 AM

    > Something that applies to women

    Am I missing something here?

    #1 / 3 / 4 – Mother / Daughter
    #2 / 7 – Girl friends
    All other cases – Same-sex couples

  3. Holly July 21, 2020 at 7:30 PM

    Hi!! I wanted to let you know that my husband and I were selected for this! I heard about it in your newsletter and applied immediately. Our episode just got posted. Thank you so much!!!

    1. Joel July 21, 2020 at 7:36 PM

      Awesome! Can you send me the link? I’d love to have a listen to your story! My friend and I applied – but never got selected :(

    2. J. Money July 22, 2020 at 10:38 AM

      That totally makes my day! Congrats!!