A Financial PowerPoint Presentation That Screams “I Love You!”

Remember our guy last year who put together a 19 slide PowerPoint presentation to woo the socks off his beautiful wife?

Well he’s at it again this year! And upped the game by adding an additional 15 slides for good measure ;) If I didn’t know better I’d say he’s just out to grab another Husband of The Year nod, but going through these slides it’s apparent he really loves his family and future plans together.

And this time around he leaves in his NUMBERS and COMMENTARY for us to view!

You can check out last year’s doc here, and then the beefed up “Ain’t nobody coming in between us and our money” newer version here:

2019 Annual Review + 2020 Plan (PDF)

It even comes with an “agenda”, because if you’re gonna be putting together a PowerPoint like that of course you have to present on it ;) And this time around I hear he even splurged and took his wife out to a nice restaurant to do the deed instead of in their living room! Hubba Hubba!




  • All-in Income Statement Summary & Trending
  • Core Income Statement Summary & Trending
  • Expense Report


  • Summary
  • Detail
  • Trending

➒ 2020 PLAN

  • Summary & Trending Core Income Statement
  • Core Cash Flow Plan


Such a nerd, haha…

The “FUN FACTS AND HIGH-LEVEL METRICS” was my favorite part since it gives you a nice concise snapshot right up front, but here are screenshots from throughout it just to give you a better idea of the level of thought this guy puts into it.

If only a magical fairy did this for ALL OF US every year! :)


trending core income


income to expenses


financial powerpoint - expense breakdown


net worth breakdown


trending net worth

investment returns


projected cash depletion


grateful for in 2019

mileage in 2019

food expenses


Pretty neat, right?!

And again – you can download it here if you want to copy it and win over your spouse too ;) –> 2019 Annual Review (PDF)

A far cry from the guy in yesterday’s post, but when you want something bad enough you go out and plan for it to happen! And this guy clearly wants the best for him and his family’s future…

So thanks again for the yearly inspiration, my man! Always fun to see, and maybe one year you can actually live stream the presentation so we can all oooh and awww along with your wife ;) (Or will we catch you sneaking her glasses of wine to keep her attention all night?! Haha…)

Regardless, more proof that what gets measured gets done! Here’s to all of us tracking and forecasting more in this great new year!


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  1. $tickyWicket January 8, 2020 at 11:17 AM

    I’m sure the author is simply referring to himself in the third person, but it’s a lot more fun to assume he has 2 spouses whom he takes on trips together.

    1. J. Money January 8, 2020 at 11:36 AM

      Okay wow, haha…

      Did NOT even take it that way but that is hilarious!! And even more so if Spouse #1 had similar concerns ;)

  2. Shnugi January 9, 2020 at 9:58 AM

    Looks like someone works a day corporate job :p . I don’t think I ever imagined I would see someone make projections in a powerpoint what-ifing their financial situation if they had a kid!

    1. J. Money January 10, 2020 at 7:30 AM

      It’s hardcore, but in all the right ways ;)

  3. Deanna @ Recovering Women Wealth January 10, 2020 at 11:20 PM

    Wow, that is really impressive and lovely. I agree it does show just how much he cares about his family. :)

    Thanks for the highlights!