10 Ways to Help You Get Closer To Your Best Life


So continuing our trend of sharing great ideas from the community this week, here’s a handful more tips and ways to *think* about things differently today. More so around life and being a better person than finances, but of course they’re all intertwined when it comes to Living Your Best Life.

I hope you find something here that resonates with you!!

If you missed yesterday’s tips, click here next: 4 Great Ways to Spread Investments Around


YOU 2.0

“A concept I teach in my book, Manage Money Like a BOSS, is “YOU 2.0”.

Essentially you ask yourself what would the next level version of me do? How would I dress? What would I say yes to? What would I say no to? How would I conduct my business?

I tell people to create an alter ego to check in with. So when I’m faced with a decision relative to my business, or my life even, I ask “what would Queen Christine do?”

Christine Luken

[I love this idea so much… Used to do something similar at college parties when I wanted to feel what it was like to be a rock star (I’d go as “Johnny Love” and my friends would all be my band members, haha…), but in Adult World I can see this working well too ;) Alternate You is always more confident than normal you!]


Celebrating the 1sts of The Month

About 5 years ago, my wife and I started a tradition of celebrating the 1st of every month. It sounds silly, but we love it.

We do this because:

1) It began when we bought our first rental property together. Rent checks come in on the 1st of each month, and even though most (sometimes all) of the rent goes to pay the property expenses, this was our first taste of ‘passive’ income.

2) It encourages us to talk about finances and check in with each other regularly. Over the years we’ve watched our plans come to fruition, which reinforces how important our communication is.

3) It makes celebration a regular activity in our household. Small things or large things, everything in our life deserves to be celebrated. We never forget how lucky we are.

5 A.M. Joel

[Extra credit: putting Bone Thugs and Harmony’s “1st of tha Month” on rotation during these meetings ;)]


Being Selfless w/ Your Food

I heard someone I admire once say “It’s hard not to be selfish,” and I appreciated her honesty because I think that’s true for most of us, certainly for me.

A small, non-money trick I do to combat my natural selfishness is I try to always give the best of the food in our fridge to whomever is around, usually my husband. And I don’t tell him. That’s another trick: do something selfless and keep it to yourself.

– Kathleen

[I tried this the other day!! I really REALLY wanted the last brownie we made in our house, but as soon as I went to grab it (because of course I had to grab it before someone else did!) I remembered this message and stopped myself in my tracks. I actually had to physically remove myself from the house so I wouldn’t continue to be tempted, and I $hit you not – when I came back home that brownie was long gone!! No idea who consumed it, but I know they enjoyed every morsel ;)]


Using Clothes as a Diversion

I lost my husband a few years ago and I didn’t want people to feel sorry for me. I wanted them to find something else to talk about me apart from my loss, so I bought new stylish clothes.

People would still talk about my loss, but they could not help talking about how good I looked. I had not known until then that I (apparently) had a beautiful structure, and people started looking at me in a different way – not disrespectfully, but appreciating what they saw.

My girlfriends and female colleagues kept on saying how beautifully the bodycon clothes fitted me. I also bought very stylish non-bodycon dresses. At first I was self-conscious, but now I am used to it after five years of both old and new colleagues mentioning the same thing.

Fortunately, I had the disposable income to change my wardrobe and this was really good for my mental health.


In re: to our post on when it make sense to spend more on your looks

[And if you’re wondering what the heck a “bodycon” dress is like I was, here’s the answer ;) “A bodycon dress is a tight figure-hugging dress, often made from stretchy material. The name derives from “body confidence”.]


Secret Love Notes

When I was little, my Mum used to sneak love letters into my lunch box.

It was embarrassing as a kid… I’d pull out my sandwich at school and the wrapper would have a big “I LOVE YOU” written across the top. Sometimes she’d draw love hearts all over my bananas and oranges with a sharpie.

As much as I told Mum to stop doing it, I secretly liked it.

– 5 A.M. Joel

egg love notes

Love reminders I wrote for my wife while making her hard boiled eggs for the week. :)

[My boy Joel again!! I’m telling you, such a nice addition to my mornings seeing his notes come through and giving me a few seconds of contemplation… This note prompted me to write a huge “I 🖤 you” on a flap of a cardboard box I knew my wife would come across later in the day – and it totally made her day. Next up is sneaking into my kids’ lunches and seeing what I can scribble on :)]


The Back up Store

I’m a practicing minimalist and consider stores a storage place that hold every single item I need (my backup options). I just need to give the store some money when I want to use it.

– Kate

In re: to my post the other day on failing as an adult (and minimalist!)

[Such a great shift in mindset, isn’t it? Let SOMEONE ELSE store all the things you’ll need in the future and don’t even worry about it! What a concept! :)]


And that’s all for today! Hope you found something good here!

Any other tips/tricks you guys use that you want to pass over?

Went through some of my old blog posts and came across a few other snippets that might spark some ideas as well. From 19 Ways to Be Better Today Than Yesterday:

  • Say sorry for something that wasn’t your fault
  • Pick up some pieces of trash in your neighborhood
  • Ask a colleague if there’s anything you can do to help them out (if you work from home, put up a note on social media like “I’ve got 10 free minutes – anyone need help with anything?”)
  • Fold the laundry or do the dishes or cook dinner, or do whatever else your significant other typically does – but *beat them* to it. When they look shocked, just press your fingers to their lips Dumb & Dumber style and whisper, “Shhhhh…”

shh dumb and dumber gif

Doesn’t take much to make someone’s day ;)

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  1. Mr. P2F February 6, 2020 at 9:18 AM

    Jay…this was fun to read! Makes me want to add something to my routine today to make another person’s life just a little more pleasant!

    1. J. Money February 6, 2020 at 9:34 AM

      Please do!!!

      It really doesn’t take much additional work at all – you just have to REMEMBER to try :)

  2. stephanie t February 6, 2020 at 10:30 AM

    Wow J! Just wow! Opened my eyes to lots of new and different ways to follow my mantra, which is CHOOSE KINDNESS. The back-up store is awesome. Not taking the last brownie is a Hall of Fame move. Thanks again for even more thoughts about changing my mindset for the better.

    1. J. Money February 6, 2020 at 1:29 PM

      What a beautiful mantra!

      You’ll have to let me know if you end up trying any of these! :)

  3. Lisa February 6, 2020 at 10:47 AM

    I think I’ll start putting love notes in my husbands lunch. Everyday of the work week, even if I have the day off, I make his breakfast and lunch. If he has the day off and I work, I just put it in the fridge for later. After 30+ years he expects it (I guess) but when he changed jobs and the people he works with found out they were amazed! The first time he said thank you in years made me want to cry. I don’t do it for thanks, just because I want him to eat healthy and filling meals, but the reminder that I’m appreciated meant so much.
    What I’m getting at is this: Just a simple “Thank you” for something that people do all the time for you can make a huge difference.
    So J$, Thank you for all you put out in the universe for us. : )

    1. J. Money February 6, 2020 at 1:34 PM

      Awwww, well lucky us for being surrounded by such good people :) Makes like exponentially better!

  4. SWFL Financial Coaching February 6, 2020 at 7:41 PM

    My boys took lunches to preschool in the summer, and I wrote a note on their napkins and signed it “Dad”. The preschool teacher had to read it to them, but it brightened her day as well.

    Most of the times when I send my wife a text I end it with “XOXOXO”.

    My suggestion to everyone to get closer to their best life is to be generous. I mean very generous. The ones you listed are good and proper, too. Thanks.

    1. J. Money February 7, 2020 at 11:49 AM

      That’s cute :)

      Did they save all the notes? My oldest son still has his from years ago when my wife would slip in pictures of things to brighten his day… She eventually ran out of things to draw, but now that he can read I’m working on doing something similar like you :)

      1. Tracy February 7, 2020 at 2:08 PM

        Now that our son can read I have to say his favorite notes are the ones his daddy puts in his lunchbox. Especially when they are jokes he can then tell his friends…so go for it J. put those notes in his lunchbox!

        1. J. Money February 7, 2020 at 2:12 PM

          Oooh Jokes!! Good idea!! Will start with those – thanks! :)