For the last 48 hours, Mrs. BudgetsAreSexy has been dealing with a crazy itchy right palm. At first she thought it was just a bug bite or something and would go away after a couple of minutes, but here we are hours and hours later and it’s still driving her nuts.
So she decided to do what all of us do when trying to solve a problem: Self-diagnose on Google ;) And boy were we surprised at our findings! Who knew it had anything to do with money?? D’uh…
A Surprising Money Superstition
Check it out (from Palmistry and Hand Analysis):
There’s an old superstition that when your palms itch it means money. An itching left palm means money to be paid out, while an itching right palm is money coming in. To stop the left palm from itching, the superstition says to rub the palm on a piece of wood.
There may be something to this old tale, since itching palms often show new internal energy moving through the hands. The left hand is the passive or receptive, and the right is the active. When the left palm itches, look for new energy or services coming into your life – Of course this will probably cost you some money. The right palm itching means energy or services going out – Work you might get paid for.
Touching or rubbing wood is a very old method for transferring or releasing unwanted energy buildup (thus expressions like “touch wood”), so if your left palm itches, try rubbing it on the corner of a table – If you don’t get a splinter, perhaps you’ll save some money!
It all makes sense now :) The wife is literally finishing up her first two weeks back in the work force today, and is now due her first paycheck! (Right palm = money coming in!) Which, oddly enough, she’ll probably be getting either today or Monday, haha… How’s that for superstition?
And now you can say you’ve finally learned something here :) You’re welcome.
Even More Money Superstitions
Here are 12 other money superstitions that may also fit your fancy…
UPDATE: Turns out my wife had Cholestasis –Β a liver condition that occurs in late pregnancy: “The itching is most common during the third trimester of pregnancy but sometimes begins earlier. It may feel worse as your due date approaches. Once your baby arrives, however, the itchiness usually goes away within a few days.” – Mayo Clinic. So it actually had nothing to do with money at all, imagine that? And good thing we caught it too – it’s apparently super dangerous to newborns if left alone! So if you’re super itchy and pregnant reading this right now – make sure to ask your doctor about it!
(Photo by nate steiner, tinted by J$)
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I grew up hearing this – and so far it has been accurate :-)
Very true!It happens before my check arrival.
Every time my right hand itch i always received money.
I believe in it and I come from a scientific background in college. It just seems to happen…my right palm itches, I gain monetary rewards from somewhere and somehow.
I know this one is true, however for me it is the opposite probably because I am a lefty, But whenever I get paid about two-three days out my left hand itches like crazy and I scratch because it itches haha and I still get paid. When there is an unexpected expense like car repairs needed, my bank account over drafted or I mean literally anything that was not a part of the budget my right hand itches like crazy and I try not to scratch it but it’s hard and when it does itch I prepare my self for it because it is going to happen. I consider it a cool gift!
Hahaha,with me its the left hand itch and money comes in!
That’s awesome! Loved the article! Congrats on the scratch for that itch. And thanks for the Friday chuckle! Not to mention the education :)
@Jaimie W – Haha… Really? That’s awesome… I’m def. gonna pay attention more to my own palms as time goes on now that I know this little secret ;)
@William @ Drop Dead Money – Always trying to entertain, my man! Gotta keep ya on your toes ;)
Has she recently stopped taking Zyrtec after taking it for a long while? That’s what happens to me when I forget to take my Zyrtec. I’ve found lots of other people dealing with the same symptom online.
Today my right hand middle as we call it in Jamaica started itching me like hell, I placed some clove oil on it and it is gone, let’s see if the money comes or goes. I’ll update you. If you don’t see an update that means I did not get a dime.
Hi did you get the money when your right palm itches
I was going to say allergies, but Josie beat me to it.
One superstition I follow is my Maneki-neko or lucky, money-cat. I have one that moves the arm and takes batteries. Ever since I purchased it, money has been doing good. As soon as the batteries die, something changes. For instance my hubby lost his OT, but as soon as the batteries were back and and he was running, OT was back. Seriously weird shit like that. I know it isn’t the cat, but can’t hurt to keep the batteries going. :)
*If you want to learn something I have “Words that Make you Look like a Tool” for today ;)
That’s awesome! My grandmother was very superstitious and always taught us that if the left palm itches, you will receive money, but if the right palm itches, you will soon meet a stranger, as that is your hand-shaking hand.
I have never heard of this. My palm never itched either so… :)
I have skin eczema with flare-ups on my hand. So I wish it was about money :)
I have a friend who goes to the casino or buys lottery tickets when her right hand itches… she wins like $500 every time.
Oh yeah, I have always heard when your left palm itches, no wait is it when your right palm itches, omgosh, I don’t know, but when they both itch its gotta mean big $$$$$. ;-)
@Jaimie W—————–As did i pal, but its the accurate opposite. hehe.
@Josie – Huh… nah, she doesn’t take Zyrtec actually, but that’s a pretty interesting side affect. Wonder why that is?
@LB @ Finanical Black Sheep – HAH! That is awesome! I’ve heard of these money cats before, but usually the ones where their hand is raised up permanently – nothing battery-required. Pretty cool though :) Will go and check out your new post after I type this out – I’m gald you’re blogging now!
@Travis – Oooh the “meeting a stranger” part is cool, I love meeting new people :)
@Joe @ Retire By 40 – Not *yet*! You wait ;)
@Money Beagle – Awwww, haha…
@Jenn – What? No way… that is awesome.
@debtgirl – As long as it’s big money COMING to you, it’s all good with me ;) Not so fun GIVING away money!
@falcon – It’s interesting to see so many of you already know about this – it was a first for me!
Ha ha, I grew up hearing this. I also heard if a bird poops on your car that it too means money is coming your way.
Birds poop on my car all the time and im still broke lol
very true. i used to buy and sell used cars. and everytime i’d find bird poop on my car. that car wouldnt last the week.
YESS!!! Do you know that’s happened to me actually? Except that dang bird pooped on my HEAD! haha.. and literally 10 seconds later (no joke) I found two shiny quarters where I sat down to clean it off :) Which, back then as a 12 year old, is big money! I welcome birds to poop around me – FREE MONEY baby! Haha…
I have never heard that. Interesting.
On a more serious note…if a pregnant women develops itchy palms (or soles of the feet) it can indicate a serious condition called cholestasis, a liver disease that pregnant women can get.
Ack! Now you’re freaking me out! :)
I have never gotten money with left hand itching always paying out, I end up rubbing my right one on my pocket(one article stated to do that and so far nothing), but read a few which said not to itch the right palm or rub it and see where it takes me, I know I get money(my SSI and pay 2 bills so palms don’t itch around either times)
BTF LOL that happens to me so much
You must be one rich girl ;)
What can you do if your right palm itches, without rubbing away your money??? N can u rubb it on a piece of wood n still have luck in the money department ?
My mom’s from Arkansas, Earl to be honest and it says to spit in your hand and rub it on your pocket to keep the money that’s cummin to your right it works for me matter fact my hands itching
We always pay money for something and receives many times including the time of salary.
Yet our palm does not itch frequently so…….
this so true, but my is getting too much ,it will scratch me to the extend it doesn’t let me sleep at night till someone finally dash me the money . it depends on the amount of money the day someone dashed me 100k my brothers and sisters I swear u no sleep, both of them almost made me cry I scratched to the extend it became red and swollen very hard . even I feel it could hand infection or something someday I will go to hospital, look at this night I can’t sleep I’m facing the same thing. no be say na millions dem want give me. I have asked people they have no solution. I’m tired of this o
See a doctor, a dermatologist actually.
Reading all your posts are giving me itchy palms right now and yes I usually have a win when the right one itches and lose with the left itch.. also in Australia an old aboriginal saying was that if you have itchy feet you are going on a walkabout. That means a holiday. But I think I just have dry skin on my feet as they are very itchy often and I only holiday once a year.
Yes, it’s all probably dry skin ;)
So crazy that you say this my left hand itched first and I spent money…… Feet itch now I’m at the beach……now my right hand is itching and I don’t want to scratch it. I get paid Monday …could be something to this
hahaha! Yes be careful! ;)
My palm itches and my mother told me to spit on it and rub together for luck and big money, I think I always did it to my left hand and always paid out. Now I have more info and my right pain is very itchy. Waiting to see if your info means money, sure could use it now. Will let you know what happens.
What does an itchy nose mean.
that you have a booger in it ;)
I was told that an itchy nose means someone is talking about you. One day I missed school and my nose was itching all day. the next day when I returned to school, being silly, I asked my friend was someone talking about me because my nose was itching and I laughed. Low and behold a boy at school spread the biggest rumor about me. It got to the point where I had to speak with the principal.
Thank you very very much for the info about the itching palms. My right one itches alot lately, so I’m sure looking for some money. “Hopefully Soon”.
what if they both itch at the same time? mine has been itching for the last hour…
Wow this is so interesting,, I have always believed that it was the other way around,,, when ever my left palm itched it was money coming in, if it was the right it was money going out,,,, and thats actually how it happened…. Now my right palm is so so so itchy never ever like this before so Ive been thinking I’m about to lose a lot,,, however I’ve got two things on the horizon,, a tender and a sale of a business……… My feeling is positive for both of these things so it will be interesting to see what happens after reading this :)
Let us know what happens :)
I have always heard this and believe it or not everytime my right hand itches, i get money…either by paycheck or something unexpected. I really believe this sign!
Also i saw a YouTube video about manifesting money and it sounds crazy stupid and unsanitary but i swear it works…its part of the Law of Attraction but smelling money and repeating I am at one with a tremendous amount of money and also saying Money flows to me freely and frequently! I tried it and it worked like almost immediately…after about 3 days i got some unexpected money on a few different occasions!
I do know cash smells good! They even have alarm clocks that will go off and emit the smell of money haha… But I hope you’re washing your hands a lot :)
My right palm has been itching sense yesterday. I hope and pray I get a big blessing soon.
My right palm has been very itchy for a week now. I put it in pocket. Hopefully I get cash. I recently got 1000 dollars stolen from me so I can really use the cash. But my left has been itching off and on. I scratch that on wood. Wish me luck everyone I need it.
When my left palm itches, it means money for me 100% of the time. My boyfriend thinks I’m nuts, but it’s true. It’s been happening to me for years now.
@ Jordasche Kingston: Are you left handed or right handed? … I wonder if it can be a difference what the itching means in each individual case depending on what hand you use to write with e.t.c.?
When my left palm itches, I win money but play it all back at the casino. When my right palm itches, I win money and actually leave with it!
I love the fact that I can stop the outflow of money by rubbing it on wood!!!
Hi my right hand has been icthing since last week.any suggestion about that.
My moms palms are itchy when touching things
sorry when touching cold things
If itchy palms is money $ then what is a rosy palm?!!
Palms doesn’t itch for salaries. They itch when you are going to experience loss or profit. I am not sure if it happens to everyone. It happens to me if I trade stocks. If left palm itches today so hard, there is some loss huge loss coming today or tomorrow and viceversa.
There is a supernatural force into it. It is definitely not a supersition. It needs a research to learn about supernatural forces rather than supersition.
I’m 55 years old and always was told this as a boy/teen by many older family members, neighbors,etc. Yes the right hand palm itching means. You will find, win or be repaid $$$$. However I’ve always was told the itching left palm means you will see a old friend, co-worker or relative or old girl or boyfriend again. It always came true for me also. My right palm just starting itching a few minutes ago. That’s how I ended up posting this here.
I heard if you itch your right hand and put it in your pocket it helps with more money coming into your life and with savings is that true?
I have found that when your palm itches on your dominate hand, you will receive a unknown amount of money.. and usually within 3 days. your dominate is also the hand that you receive your money in.. for example..when you go to the store and get change back. If you know that your pay check is coming or that you are owed money it does not work for this… it’s only for money that you dont know or remember you are suppose to receive. I have always received money when i didnt expect it. Never fails ..
It`s not superstition because every time my right hand itching money come in also, if left hand itching some other thing come in and Never fails.
I always was told that you shake with ur right hand and receive with your itchy left hand
It means your hands are dry and you need some lotion.
haha yup – pretty much :)
My right palm has been itching for more than two weeks. I hope this is true.
mines have been doing the same thing, i hope so too
I get money the next day my palm itches, so it works for me too
I’ve actually had this happen to me several times. What’s weird though is that it happens even in what I can only describe as getting/losing money in very loose terms. One time, my left palm itched & I ended up dropping my wallet. That was it. It also happens if someone else gets or loses money. For instance, my right palm itched & my friend got money from her mom.
My right hand always itches when I’m going to get money
Right Palm started itching 9am this morning and by 10:40am I was blessed witg $500. GOD is good. So far this is true for me
My right hand itches I always get money hope itβs true because it like wow,
Both of my palms and my feet itch… A lot. I have no idea what’s wrong with me. Its so annoying especially when I need to concentrate then I have to scratch my palms for a few minutes.
The heels of my legs itch a lot, what could be the problem.
It’s no superstition I promise you. It never fails, if either of my hands itch, I am getting money or losing money. Now, not only me, my daughter’s hand itches when I am getting/losing money or she is getting/losing money. It is a fact. Its crazy but true!
My mom always told me that if my palms itches to close your hand and stick it in your pocket so the money would last longer. But I couldn’t remember which palm was which for money going out or coming in. Thank you for clarifying that. (Ps- glad your wife is fine after that scare)
Iβm the opposite, when my LEFT palm itches I get money. Usually the next day or two.
My right hand itches all the time and I have yet to receive any money! I’ve been job hunting for a couple of months already.
This is so true!!!!
This is very wonderful to me , to always hear this: Itching has been happening many times on both my hands and I always receive miracle money or find my account deposited money without realizing it. This is very true. And I believe this is a natural sign from GOD. Just believe and you shall receive your gifts.
My right had been itching this afternoon that i had to Google why this is happening..Hope my luck is coming in…Wait to see.
I had thought I was alone in this. So we are many. For sure it happens to me. Before I receive money from anyone,am always alerted by my righthand Palm that I’ll get it. And before I have paid out any money,am always alerted by my lefthand palm.
Many times my left hand has itched, Iβve received money. Not the other way around….. hope this helps.
Itβs so true when my right hand itches I get money I didnβt know I was getting. Lately my hand has been itching like crazy, and Iβve been getting some extra money. Even got me a good sum on money in a scratchy card, my hand is still scratching even through in between my fingers. When that happens itβs because itβs a lot of money that I canβt hold in my hand. Itβs not a hoax it is sooooooo true. I have experienced it time after time. It has been said that when it happens to rub your hands together and put the itch inside your top.
Me too!!! My left hand was itchy for over a month. At this time I received my Stimulus Check and my husbands . Next I received my income tax refund. After that we sold our rental property and made a huge amount of money! Then lastly, I won $6000 playing Keno all seven of my numbers came out and it was on a Max bet!!! My mother always said money is coming your way but my left hand was itching for over a month I do believe in this.
WHAAAAT!!???? That is awesome Karen! Congrats!!
Not sure how accurate this could be for me, my left hand is crazy itchy right now and I’m broke.
I have the exact oppisite effect. When my left itches I recieve it.
My right palm is itching terribly bad. Often when the bills are due my left palm itches horrible. I have heard the old wives tale since I was a child.I never paid attention to this. But now I question it.
My right hand iched like mad 2 months ago, my car broke down, I ended up paying Β£500 in repairs, I’ve had no money to buy any luxtories due to this.
I don’t mind because I’m use to working to pay out and struggling, it’s the way of my life, the path to happiness is low expectations.
However, my left hand has been inching really bad tonight, now I haven’t received anything as of yet, I will resist inching it and let you all know the outcome.
I’m hoping each hand is different to each person as we are all unique and not the same.
Wish me luck!
Love Jason x
Grandma was going to give me money for my birthday. Gave me a check, gave it to a bank. My right hand itched. Holy sh-t. This is legit.
My left been inching for two weeks now… normqlly for me left bring in $ so I’m looking forward for the $
Damn, I wish it was true as it’s the opposite for me. My right palm itches, I always end up with some crazy expenses. My left hand itches, I receive unexpected money.
My right palm is itching as I type here now wondering what expense is going to crop up :(
Lol I’m awake at 2am with an itchy left palm. I just read that for women the tale is left money in, right money out… Let’s see!
On my left palm I receive money from any source, on the right is the money paying for debts or something or borrowed money which I have to repay
My right hand itchs everyday and my left hand itchs once or twice per day also my left hand ring finger itchs day and night
Both of my palms have been itching off and on for the last week or so.. I read somewhere if both itch, ill strick it rich.. I have lottery dreams so much now its not funny.. Days in a row at one point. Accroding to the dreams, im suppose to win this month..
This is true. My right hand has been itching like crazy and I just found out my house sold!
Congrats on selling your house :)
Lol!! Glad you caught the pregnancy issue! I also had to get my itchy-ness checked out in pregnancy. I specifically asked them to check for that but I didnt have it.
My right palm was itchy so I wanted to double check which one meant $ coming in.
But I also was just stretching my hands… think I also have a medical issue, carpal tunnel. But seems i still may get money as in your case, who knows lol!
I hope it does mean more $$$ vs sickness! :)
I am glad you caught the choleostasis. I had it with both my pregnancies.
Worst itching ever !!!
But it could still mean she brought in money :)
If money were love, she brought in a lot with each kid :)
I use both left and right hands when my left had itches or right hand itches I receive money. It just one gives me a lot more money than the other I cannot remember which one gives me more money but my left hand is itching now
Honestly mines is based of energy. When my left hand itch bad energy comes in my life soon. When my right hand itched good energy came into my life. I feel like I’m the only person who has this theory of my hand.
Well, for me it has always been true my right hand does not itch during paycheck time, because thatβs a given; however, when $/money is coming from out of nowhere unexpectedly the right hand itches like crazy. On occasion both hands are itching like crazy so I believe it to be that someone is wanting to collect something concerning money or that I am getting money that I have to pay out. Never fails. It did not dawn on me however a delivery has been trying to be made but needed a signature and I was not expecting anything and I did not want to except it because I thought maybe it would be a collector; however, I thought about my friend recently passing away and I knew she had left me $/something however there was some red tape with her family so Iβm not sure what happened. Possibly the insurance is paying off but I have not received or heard anything since her death 4 months ago. some years ago I went to Vegas, right hand it heβd terribly so red and I donβt know what to do to stop it, boy boyfriend was winning like crazy.
I donβt know why but the itchy hand does not happen to everyone. This is why some folks donβt believe when you tell them the meaning of the itchy hands. itβs like getting somebody to believe in the supernatural, when you have had an experience and folks that has never had an experience they cannot relate. Go figure.
It is true for me. I believe it is a gift from God. For both itchy pslms l receice something may be it might differ in amount. It could be related to the fact that we receive with hands.
sorry i’ts not true i’m broke AF!
Haha. Not the right to tell you that, huh?
I was told to spit in right palm and put it in your pocket till it stops itching and when I do I get money within a week or 2
I’m the opposite way as well! but I’m right handed.. it’s crazy