OK … I got a fun question for you today … Should you LIE during a job interview? Before you answer, let me give you…
So a Potato Farmer Walks Into the Outback …
In 1983, the Sydney to Melbourne Ultramarathon was one of the longest and toughest foot races in the world at the time. This race was…
Net Worth Report #16 “Never Been Kissed” (Up $87,971) 📈
Trying to build wealth without tracking your net worth is like not checking the road map because you’re too busy driving. How do you know…
Financial Checklist Ideas for 2022 ✅
Good morning and HAPPY 2022! It’s gonna be a great year. 💪 And to kick it off I want to share this cool Get Ready…
Top 10 Most Popular Posts of 2021!
HAPPY New Year’s Eve, peeps! Y’all got big party plans tonight? Or are you the crash early type? I’m proud to say I’ve made it…
My Annual Budgeting Process
“A budget is simply telling your money where to go instead of wondering where it went.” – John Maxwell Good morning, money friends! Hope you…
What Kids Really Want for Christmas
Merry Christmas Eve, Friends! Before you set off on your fun-filled weekend of spoiling one another with presents and delicious meals… check out this video…
NIFTY Project: Transitioning to My Post-FI Life
[Many people reach financial independence, quit their job, and then wake up the next morning and think, “Well, now WTF should I do with the…
The 9 Best Paychecks in the World 🏆
Let’s be honest, ANY paycheck is a good paycheck… But sometimes, an extra special payday rolls around and the money makes you feel absolutely on…
“If Your Employer Matches… Get That FREE MONEY Y’all!”
Woot woot! Exciting news… The winners have been announced for this year’s 401(k) Champion® Awards, and 1 of the 3 winners is from our community…