Our Most Popular Blog Posts From 2018

Happy Friday!!

Here are the most popular articles from the blog across all of 2018, ranked by *most clicked*. And not surprisingly, almost half of them are guest posts we featured! Hah!

Guess my life isn’t juicy enough for you guys???! 😂

As always, you can find links to these “best of” lists in the sidebar here, and I’ll also post them down at the bottom of this post as well…

Should keep you more than entertained for the rest of the weekend ;)



donations box

What Iโ€™ve Learned Getting Rid of *1 Thing* Every Day! — Where I *ahem* got rid of one thing every day for almost two months straight and then reported back… One of the best experiments I did all year!

10 *Downsides* to Early Retirement — The counterpart to the original article we featured here on the 10 (awesome!) things that happened when John from ESI Money hit FIRE. Which also made the most popular list that year (I owe you a beer, bud!).

40 Money Lessons Learned After 40 Years on This Earth — This one is a more recent one, but chock-full of excellent thoughts from Marc after living 40 years on this planet… #31 and #37ย  are my favorites, and would go on my own list that fateful day I turn 40 as well ;)

adventure awaits

Itโ€™s Not About The Money, Itโ€™s About The *Lifestyle* — Inspired by Cait Flanders and her “Adventure Tuesdays” – “We get so caught up in wanting more all the time that we donโ€™t step back to see the overall picture. Or even realize that we have it in our power ALREADY to craft a life we love before hitting our financial goals!

How a Journal Completely Changed My Finances — A guest post by Ryland from TheHiddenGreen.com who pretty much just dumped his heart out for us and went play-by-play sharing the ups and downs of his financial journey over the years… A must read if you enjoy long-form articles.

3 Years Waking Up Early Like Benjamin Franklin! — My thoughts after 3 years of still being a member of the 5 a.m. club, minus weekends and nights when your baby thinks he’s more important than your sleep ;) Surprisingly, out of all the experiments I’ve tried over the years this has been the one that’s stuck!! And I’ve always been a night person my whole life!!

303 valuable household tips

46 Tips To Save You Time, Money, and Trouble (From The 1950โ€™s!) — Hereโ€™s something you donโ€™t see every day: a pamphlet from 1958 giving you over 300 tips “to save you time, money and trouble!’ ;) Thereโ€™s a ton of stuff thatโ€™s no longer applicable in it (sewing machine tips, typewriter hacks, and a bunch of not-so PC comments around house wives), but by and large itโ€™s actually a pretty solid brochure even in these times… Check it out!

7 Money Goals to Hit By The Time Youโ€™re 35 — If youโ€™re over 35, Iโ€™m sorry โ€“ youโ€™re too late for these! โ€“ but if youโ€™re under 35 then HURRY UP AND MAKE THESE HAPPEN OR DIE IN FINANCIAL RUIN!! Haha… Or just skip over this one if you hate lists like these ;)

7 [Financial] Habits That Have a High Rate of Return — A riff on the “7 habits that have a high rate of return in life” from James Clear. Which actually made it into our runner up posts below… That one only had 1 financial habit in it though, so we had to expand on it a bit ;)

desire paths

Desire Paths: The Unconventional Way to Live Your life — This was probably my favorite guest post of all year just because I find “desire paths” to be incredibly interesting. Here’s a clip from the article, which was really well put together byย I Dream of FIRE – “Desire paths are not created by design; rather, they are the natural result of people who look around and see a better way to get where theyโ€™re going. Over time, as these trailblazers prove this new routeโ€™s success, the path becomes visible even to those who wouldnโ€™t naturally think to take it. Now they can see there is another way, and they can choose to follow it or stick with the more conventional path.”

And then here were the 3 runner-ups…

It’ll be interesting to see what 2019 brings! So many good bloggers and thoughts being pumped out around our community every day…

What a world to live in :)

Past “best of” lists:

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  1. Chris @ Mindful Explorer January 11, 2019 at 11:30 AM

    Thanks for always providing great content, of all the blogs I read yours has had the greatest staying power. Keep up the great work JMoney

    1. J. Money January 11, 2019 at 2:24 PM

      Well thank you sir!! That means a lot!

  2. DNN February 10, 2019 at 6:44 AM

    I’m going to take a look at these posts momentarily. I like the fact that your blogs are down to Earth and you speak from your personal experiences. Thank you for just being you. :)

    1. J. Money February 11, 2019 at 6:07 AM

      Thanks man! I try! :)