Fan of the book, “Think and Grow Rich”? Follow Napoleon Hill on Twitter or Facebook or any other social media platform, even though he’s been…
Browsing Category Resources
Books over Candy this Halloween Season??!
Here’s an idea for you this Halloween season :) Give children *books* during trick or treating instead of candy! An initiative started by because…
Phrases to use instead of “I Don’t Want to Spend Money”
Caught this on Twitter and had to reshare! Great alternatives! So many of us struggle with saying “no” to stuff, but it’s not because we…
New Book (and Giveaway): “The House Hacking Strategy”
Morning!! Got another book for y’all that’s about to drop on the scene: The House Hacking Strategy: How to Use Your Home to Achieve Financial…
Favorite reads this month 🍂🍁☕
Mornin’! Here are a bunch of my favorite reads I’ve starred from around the web this month… Everything from email hacks to travel tips to…
New $$$ Book Out Today + Giveaway: Choose FI!
Hey guys!! Another book drops from our community today – and it’s a big one! Choose FI: Your Blueprint to Financial Independence by Chris Mamula,…
Favorite Reads From The Month 📚
Gooood morning!! Grab those coffees and brains, and get ready to binge on some epic articles today! If Rockstar Finance was still around I’d post…
Ever track your money using a calendar?! Here’s a reader’s review of a new app he’s obsessed with.
Hey guys! Welcome to a new week of saving money and kicking a$$! Still recovering from all the fun that is FinCon over here (was…
A Quick Thanks + A New $$$ Book on The Scene: “Retire Before Mom and Dad”
Morning guys! Told you I’d be back :) It’s a wild feeling still blogging away here as if nothing ever happened, but here we are!…
Cool new product (and giveaway) –> Budgeting Stickers!!
Heyoooo!!! Got a cool new product to pass along your way today, particularly for those who love some journaling/scrapbooking/good ol’ sticker fun ;) They come…