Guest post by Paula Drum In 2009, many life lessons were learned thanks to MTV’s Jersey Shore. For example, we were schooled in beating up…
Browsing Category Money Management
This is What Perseverance Looks Like
A couple weeks ago I asked readers here to tell us one of the hardest financial problems you’ve ever gotten over, and we got a…
If He Can’t Put a Ring on it, He Can’t Sign For it!
Guest Post by Tahnya Kristina When two people decide to take the next step forward in their relationship and move in together, it can be…
Reader Mail: Why Do I Max Out My 401(k) So Fast?
Any chance I get to talk about my love of 401(k)s! Although you could really apply this Q&A to any investing tool out there, I…
Financial Goals: Can You Have Too Many at Once?
A fellow reader just asked me this, and I thought I’d respond here instead of emailing her back. I’m not too sure my opinions are…
Get Your Cash Flow Up, Baby!
Do you know how much money you have left over every month? $100? $1,000? Do you go negative? The answer to this question is extremely…
It’s true. I’m addicted to credit cards.
They’re just so convenient, you know? I read a few posts awhile back about how people were ditching plastic for good in hopes of spending…
How do you measure the power of money?
I had this friend who measured time in cigarettes. Whenever I asked him how far something was, he’d always come back with the number of…
No More "I Can’t Afford That"
If there’s one phrase I hate more than douchebag (although it’s a close call) it would have to be – “I can’t afford that.” It…
Life in Grad School Doesn’t Have to Suck…All Your Money
Guest post by Mrs. BudgetsAreSexy ;) Life as a graduate student is notoriously tough. Generally, you’re operating on a slim-to-nonexistent source of income, yet with…