(An anonymous reader’s story on her journey to becoming completely debt-free. I wanted to share this with you all so you know it’s definitely do-able!…
Browsing Category Minimalism
I Wanna Need LESS Money, Not More.
Read that again: I wanna need LESS money, not MORE. I don’t know why it sounds like such an epiphany for me right now, but…
Clearing out my crap.
Now that I got my 9-5 out of the way (sha-wing!), I’m trying to go through the other crap in my life and skim down…
Cleaning Out My Closets & My Mind
If there’s one thing I love more than finances & beer (and women my wife), it’s a clean mind. When that noggin’s empty of worries…
Think You Could Live in a Houseboat?
I am thinking….ummm…. YES PLEASE! Check out these pictures I took while out in Victoria BC (which, btw, is one of the most beautiful places…
Out With The Old, In With The New
That’s where it’s at, ladies and gentlemen! Unloading all that junk in our lives and replacing it with fresher, more worthy stuff. (In both the…
Do You Ever Just Miss Shopping?
I walked into the mall for the first time in 6 months and I loved it!!! Unfortunately I was there due to my iPhone getting…
The 15 Minutes a Day Idea.
I’m reading this killer book by Leo Babauta called The Power of Less, and in it he suggests to spend 15 mins. a day on…
Living The Minimalist Lifestyle – Is it Possible?
INSIDE: What does it mean to live a minimalist lifestyle and is it even possible. Here’s the benefits and some tips so you can decide…