Things you can’t change: The weather The unemployment rate People who are dumb The stock market Things you can change: Your spending Your saving Your…
Browsing Category Life
Those Who Like Money, and Those Who Like Things
What up what up! You frugal gangstas are gonna like this one today… Got a note yesterday from my boy PT that our old wealth…
In Which I’m Reminded I’m a Dummy
Yesterday morning our coffee maker broke. Which is a bad thing to happen on any day of the week when you’re a slave to it,…
Help a Reader: “How Do I Get Paid to Work Out?”
I answer a lot of emails on this blog, but I gotta say – this guy wins the award for stumping me ;) How nice…
Despite Growing Up, I’m Still a Rock Star
[Happy Black Financial Friday! For those of you holding onto your dollars and nice and cozy at home, here’s a great article by my friend…
Happy Thanksgiving From My Son :)
I think you know what I’m grateful for this year :) Hope you all are well and safe!
Would You Rather… Make $50k or $100k? (But…)
Welcome to Friday, hustlers. You know how everyone’s always talking about “keeping up with the Joneses,” and how it’s best to not compare yourselves to…
Tell People What You Want
My brother always thinks I have my $hit together because I never ask him for any help. It’s true I never ask him in the…
My Total Lifetime Earnings & The New Wealth Ratio™!
Morning hustlers! Got a piece of juicy mail come my way over the weekend, and thought I’d hit you with it to further encourage your…
What Would Happen If Everyone Could See Your Wealth?
A genius by the name of Carl Richards recently posed this question in a New York Times piece, and I can’t stop thinking about it:…