It’s been two days since following in the footsteps of sir Benjamin Franklin, and I must admit I’m loving these 5 am wake ups a…
Browsing Category Life
Being Benjamin Franklin For a Week
I don’t know about you, but every now and then I suck at being productive. I have my moments where I get a bunch of…
Are You Financially Stable? Take This Test.
I’m a sucker for new tests, and Laurie over at Well Kept Wallet just put out a fun one to determine how financially stable we…
Mansions & Mobile Homes
While at the beach last week, I was reminded of how much I love being surrounded by million dollar homes. I know you’re not supposed…
The One Drawer Challenge
Hey guys! Back from the beach and playing catch up (why do you always need a vacation after a vacation?), but wanted to pop in…
5 Awesome Dates That Won’t Break the Bank
[I’m currently at the beach doing my own type of date (with children – hah), but in my stead, please enjoy this fantastic post by Elliott…
The Guy Who Quit His Job to Bike The World
This isn’t #money related, but it’s #freedom, #happiness, #inspiration related. Make sure to watch it sometime over the weekend :) The guy is Jedidiah Jenkins…
I’ve Got My Mind on My Money & My Money on My Mind
“Where are my suitcases of cash?” – my wife on graduation day What up, y’all! I’m back! A day in Suckville, well, sucked, but fortunately…
Sometimes I Just Don’t Care.
Sometimes I just don’t care about money. Or about career, hustling, blogging, early retirement, investing, saving or anything else we talk about here on this…
Take a Spin on the Wealthometer!
I got this email from a friend, so of course I had to check it out :) There’s no real point in comparing your own…