Something to consider while you’re in the thick of things :) Money can buy a House ………. but not a Home Money can buy a…
Browsing Category Life
The 100 Things List
I don’t know what about this article got me to whip out a notebook and start jotting down all my dreams, but it did and…
Why Taking a Sabbatical Was The Best Money I Ever Spent
INSIDE: Considering planning a sabbatical? It just might be the best decision you’ve ever made. Find out why it was for me and how to…
8 Fails Over 8 Years of Blogging
8 years ago almost exactly, I wrote my very first article on this site and thought I was hilarious: Interview: Me on Me. In this…
Would You Go to Jail For a Year For a Million Dollars?
Have a GREAT imaginary proposal for y’all today ;) I was talking to an old friend last night about all the random hustles he’s done…
How I Became an Accidental Entrepreneur
What’s up, y’all! Stumbled across this old interview I did a few years ago for on how I became an entrepreneur/blogger full-time, and thought…
Well, they say it only takes one buyer to want your house, and one buyer did we get! WE SOLD OUR HOUSE, GUYS! I CAN’T…
What If You Could See *DEBT* Like You Could Snow?
Well, it’s the day of the Snowpocalypse here on the East Coast, and if estimates are correct it’ll be one of the biggest storms to…
7 (Awesome) Perks Money Buys You
You might be surprised to hear this, but I did not win the $900 million jackpot on Saturday (now up to $1.3 BILLION btw –…
10 Things I Wouldn’t Do If I Won The $900+ Million Powerball Jackpot
You probably know this already, but the Powerball jackpot is now the largest it’s ever been IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD: $700,000,000 $900,000,000+!!! O-M-G!…