Every few weeks my siblings like to text over some sort of thought-provoking messages. Usually they’re quotes like “I say yes to the world because…
Browsing Category Life
The Retired Greyhound
A fitting story for this fine Labor Day :) Found on my friend Brent’s blog, The Micawber Principle (one of my favorites, btw): ***** Preacher…
What Do You Wish You Would Have Known at 17?
Got another juicy email from a reader and thought you’d enjoy the Q&A :) What would you tell this guy if you could?* (*you can…
Make America “IOU” Free Again!
That was the subject line of a PR email I just got. Which of course I had to click and then copy as my own…
Are Your Friends Worth $100,000 to You??
Every now and then I type “How to stay happy?” into Google looking for some good tips. I’m naturally a pretty cheerful guy, but like…
The Declutter Days Are Here! Look How Much of a Bozo I Used to Be…
Today marks the first day of The Weekly Declutter Challenge! Every week we’re sorting through one box or tote or container, until our storage room…
We’ve moved! Here’s what it means for our finances, and what we’ve learned from downsizing so far.
We’re officially Marylanders again! I’m sitting at our new kitchen table here in dead silence, other than wild animals roaming around, haha… Here’s what we…
A Simple Spreadsheet on “When You Can Retire” (And Also How Long You Have Until Death!)
One of the cool things about running a blog is that sometimes people send you cool stuff. You get a bunch of crap/spam/nonsense as well,…
One Minute Goal Setting For Your Finances
“Secondhand books are wild books, homeless books, they have come together in vast flocks of veriegated feather, and have a charm which the domesticated volumes…
What Were You Doing on June 24th, 2001?
This chick next to me at Starbucks right now really wants to know :) Or rather, she wants to know what her friend was doing…