Got an email recently from someone and almost overlooked it as the title said something about asking my opinion on savings bonds, zzz… Fortunately I…
Browsing Category Life
6 Steps to Taking a Year-Long Sabbatical (Every Decade)
[Welcome my friend Ms. Montana today! She recently released a new eBook on the 6 steps to taking a year off every decade, and I…
Financial Confessional: “I Turned My Back on My Wealthy Parents to Live a Life of My Own.”
[Welcome to round II of our new Financial Confessions Series! We often think about how awesome it would be to have grown up rich and…
If You Can Afford to Spend It, You Can Afford to Save It.
What’s up party people! It’s Monday – get excited!!! What’s that? Mondays are lame? Okay, let’s try it again – It’s Monday, y’all!! Check out this…
The Incubator of GOOD Has Arrived!
Hi guys!!! I’m soooooo excited to share this today. We finally got our philanthropy project off the ground! Check it out –> Now I…
We Decided to Travel the World. But First, We Made a Serious Budget!
[Yo yo yo! Got another killer guest post for y’all, this time around by my new friend Chris Biggs who decided to call it quits…
“The Challenge Is Not To Touch It!” (And Other Things I Recently Overheard)
“The challenge is not to touch it!” That’s what I overheard a 65 year old guy telling a 13 year old kid the other day…
Top 10 Most Popular Posts of The Year
Happy New Year, budgeters! Y’all having a nice day off, or kicking it off with a little hustle? Anyone still hungover? ;) If you’re on…
Financial Confessions: “I Became So Obsessed With Being Rich That I’m Now Sitting in Prison”
So a friend of mine passed me a note about a guy he met in prison while doing volunteer work, and after taking one glance…
Another Way to Think About FIRE: Freedom, Intellect, Resourcefulness, Enough.
Heyo! It’s my birthday! Let’s sing me a song! Ready? Happy birthday, to me! Happy birthday to me! Happy birthday dear J. Moooooooooney, happy birthday…