[Hey guys! Matt from MethodToYourMoney.com is stopping by the site today to remind us of all those sayings our parents used to tell us growing…
Browsing Category Life
Proof that this MONEY stuff is possible!
Hey hey! Time to feature a bunch of y’all who are killing it lately! Gotta show everyone that this stuff we talk about every day…
What I Learned Tracking My “Wants” For 30 Days!
In a nutshell: I spent a lot of money on coffee and bagels, haha… But also books and history* stuff! Here’s a list of everything…
3 Years Waking Up Early Like Benjamin Franklin!
Any of you around when I tried living like Benjamin Franklin for an entire week? Failing miserably at half his routine, but rocking the 5…
“Simple money questions I ask myself”
Check out this email I got in response to our post on Mr. Wendal the other day. So many great questions to reflect on! Money…
20 Questions to Ask your Significant Other About Money
If you’re on this blog you’ve probably discussed a lot of this stuff with your significant other already, but on the off chance you haven’t…
Finding Mr. Wendal Again
Morning guys! Found this song on MP3 doing my daily decluttering challenge, and was blown away by how powerful it still is! Touches on so…
Ever try tracking what you spend on *wants*?
We all know that tracking every transaction helps keep you accountable, but what if you were to just focus on the *wants* side of the…
Things I’ve never been hardcore enough to try
I’ve tried a lot of experiments with my money over the years, but there are still some I’ve never been able to pull the trigger…
Favorite Financial Nuggets This Month!
Happy 4th of July y’all! Got a bunch of fine reading material for ya today when you’re bored of relaxing and/or hanging out with your…