Whelp. It’s now been 3 years since that fateful day of being let go and jumping into blogging full-time (anyone still reading from 2010?), and…
Browsing Category Entrepreneurship
How I Failed at Buying a Rental Property
[By guest author, Jeff Rose today. AKA The Rock. AKA new-published-author-who-included-me-in-his-book-so-now-I-can-say-I’m-officially-published-too ;)] If there is one thing that sucks about being an entrepreneur, it’s the…
Why I’m Obsessed With Rich Habits
There’s a new blog that I’ve been OBSESSED with this week called RichHabits.net (you see what I did there? ;)). It’s written by best selling…
What We’ll be Doing With This New $50,000
Yesterday I announced that I sold 4 of my non-fun websites for $50,000. I intended to leave it at that, but after reading y’all’s comments…
We’re $50,000 Richer.
…But we had to give up a few things to get it ;) If you recall, our cash flow has slowly been dissipating over the past…
Finding Money vs. Earning Money
$0.45. That’s the amount of change I’ve found on the ground in the past two months. 1 Quarter, 1 dime, and 10 pennies. And every…
When to Quit a Side Hustle
[Guest post by Jim Wang – formerly of Bargaineering.com before he sold it for $3+ MIL!] Starting something new is always exciting. I only recently…
50 Most Expensive Domain Names in The World
As I was goofing off yesterday as I normally do (usually around 3pm when my coffee high leaves me all strung out), I stumbled across…
How to Flip Stuff Like a Pro
(Guest Post by Pauline Paquin from Reach Financial Independence. Whose boyfriend is now my newest hero ;)) My boyfriend, like J$, has a passion for flipping…
Oh How The Tables Have Turned…
What a crappy crappy week… From the highs of moving in to our new home, straight to the lows of less income and realizing how…