From a newspaper circa 1909: —————————– READY MONEY. —————————– A dollar gives you confidence, Five makes you walk on air, A ten-spot lets you face…
Posts Published by J. Money
14 Wildly Different Allowance Strategies :)
So last week we asked how people do allowances since I’m still trying to nail down my own system, and BOY did the floodgates open!…
The net worth of a 24 year old obsessed with all things finance :)
INSIDE: Here’s a financial snapshot of a woman who shares some great graphs & spreadsheets on how she manages it all. Great thing to do…
New Book (and Giveaway): “The House Hacking Strategy”
Morning!! Got another book for y’all that’s about to drop on the scene: The House Hacking Strategy: How to Use Your Home to Achieve Financial…
Should we buy this Benz?!
INSIDE: We were offered a great deal on a Mercedes Benz ML-320 SUV, but not sure if it’s worth the risk? Should I buy a…
Favorite reads this month 🍂🍁☕
Mornin’! Here are a bunch of my favorite reads I’ve starred from around the web this month… Everything from email hacks to travel tips to…
Children now average $30 a week in allowance?!
Saw this in a press release this morning and almost spit out my coffee! Children average $30 a week in allowance Daaaang!!! Inflation sure has…
Lifestyle Creep… Isn’t That Kind of the Point?
INSIDE: The how, what, when, and where of the lifestyle creep. Otherwise known as lifestyle inflation and the thing that sucks up all your money…
New $$$ Book Out Today + Giveaway: Choose FI!
Hey guys!! Another book drops from our community today – and it’s a big one! Choose FI: Your Blueprint to Financial Independence by Chris Mamula,…
Net Worth Update Day!! How You Livin’?
Morning gang! That time again to update the ol’ net worth! It’s a sad one for me this time around since it’ll be the first…