LOVE Everyday: Free e-book!

Happy Valentines Day! This is my present to you – the free LOVEveryday eBook :) But only read if you’re in an awesomely loving mood! haha…that’s your warning V-Day haters.

But seriously, 25+ of us bloggers joined together to create it and I really think it came out well. It hits up all facets of “the relationship” (caring for each other, time management, finances, living together, etc etc) and you can’t help but feel GREAT afterward! Major congrats to all participants:

The Generous Husband, 48 Days, Make Mine Happen, The Simple Marriage, My Super-Charged Life, Marriage Prep 101, Love Talk, Project Happily Ever After,, Smart Passive Income Blog, The Generous Wife, Mama Notes, Organizing Your Way, Enemy of Debt, Life Gems, It Might Be Love, Project M, Feeling Flirty, Practical Manliness, Budgets Are Sexy (me – woohoo!), The Marry Blogger, Change Therapy, Zen Family Habits, Serene Journey, Affair Care, Engaged Marriage, One Extraordinary Marriage, She Just Got Married

Enjoy! Download (PDF): LOVEveryday: Thoughts On Loving Amidst The Chaos Of Life

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  1. Brad February 15, 2010 at 4:29 AM

    Woooo hoooo! :D

  2. Brad February 15, 2010 at 4:30 AM

    Yo that image is tight son!

  3. J. Money February 15, 2010 at 4:59 PM

    Haha, I wonder why Mr. Designer? Glad you went w/ the pink ;)

  4. Patty Newbold February 16, 2010 at 2:57 PM

    Love it! I want to be part of the next one. Will link to this from right now.

  5. J. Money February 16, 2010 at 3:32 PM

    Cool – thx for linking it up! Hit up our Ning group – Love Bloggers – and join us :)