[This is a Guest Post from Donna Korzun – a long time reader of Budgets Are Sexy, and someone I admire very much :)] Every…
Browsing Category Saving Money
A bunch of articles on saving money :) And also the original title of this blog, before I realized it was taken, haha… keep hoarding those dollars!
Reason #211 Not to Have Car Payments
When your car starts breaking, you actually don’t mind paying to fix it! :) I just dropped $270 on new tires and alignment and it…
Want to Become a Millionaire? Save $5 a Day.
That’s right folks, all it takes is saving $5 a day to hit Millionaire status! You just have to stay on top of it for…
Frugality on a Whole New Level!
Most of us here do some pretty frugal stuff, but how far you’re willing to take it is totally another story. I got an email…
Whatcha Know About ING & Their Sub-Accounts?
How many of you guys use ING? I have an account myself, but I still have yet to play with their sub-accounts.They sound freakin’ awesome…
How are you currently saving money? (comment to win $200!)
Today, Prosper & Budgets Are Sexy team up and celebrate the season of Lent! (Didn’t see that coming, did ya?). If you’ve ever heard of…
Life in Grad School Doesn’t Have to Suck…All Your Money
Guest post by Mrs. BudgetsAreSexy ;) Life as a graduate student is notoriously tough. Generally, you’re operating on a slim-to-nonexistent source of income, yet with…
4 Old School Money Hacks – A Trip Down Memory Lane.
I had a flashback yesterday of all the ways I used to find money back in the day. I’d probably still do some of them…
Pay off Student Loans, or Save for House?
Ahhhh, the good old “pay off debt vs. save for X” debate. Gets me teary eyed every time ;) Got an email from a reader,…
Who cares if you saved money by spending money?!
This is a guest post by Daniel Packer “I walked home to save bus fare.”“Gee, you could have saved a lot more by not taking…