Boy, things sure do go fast once you put your mind to things. Just over over 3 weeks ago we decided it was finally time…
Browsing Category Saving Money
A bunch of articles on saving money :) And also the original title of this blog, before I realized it was taken, haha… keep hoarding those dollars!
Which Is Harder: Paying off Debt or Saving Money?
Every week I get asked whether someone should pay off their debt first or save instead, and every week I pretty much say the same…
4 Awesome Entertainment Ideas for Only $1.00
(Guest post by Joel from Save Outside the Box) Want to go do something really fun but you’re just flat out broke? I’ve been there….
My New Non-Spending Tracker!
I did something over the weekend I was pretty proud of myself for: I refrained from buying two things that I really REALLY wanted to…
Is Being Too Honest Bad For Business?
(Article by Skint in The City) I got to wondering this a couple of weeks back, when I tried to change $200 into sterling pounds….
Game Boys and 401(k)s
There are two instances in my life where saving REALLY started making sense. The first when I wanted a Nintendo Game Boy more than my…
My New Spare Change Record: $901.54!
Do you know how HARD it is to bring in 5,000+ coins to a changer machine? And then wait there hearing the cling an clangs…
Do you know what 1+2+3+4+5+6 through 365 equals?
INSIDE: There are so many fun and useful things you can do with compounding numbers, including saving some nice dough. Check it out! So, here’s…
5 For Friday: What Do You Buy in Bulk?
Happppppppppy Friday y’all! Before you go out and spend a lot of money this weekend stocking up, I thought we’d talk a little about bulk…
Spend $25,000 to Save $9,000?
I finally got my act together and sat with my account for tax stuff! And MAN does that always feel so good – regardless of…