Morning fam! A lot of you commented on how much you loved those Statement Cards we gave away the other week, so I thought I’d…
Browsing Category Resources
Great New Book on The Scene (Giving Away 2 Copies!)
There’s a fantastic new book dropping on the scene next week and I have two copies to give away to you today! It comes from…
A Bunch of Great $$$ Resources ✨ (Fire Meetups, Curation Sites, #VanLife, More)
Morning! Been helping a few readers find some things around the community and thought I’d share them with you too in case they help :)…
Top 10 Most Popular Posts of 2021!
HAPPY New Year’s Eve, peeps! Y’all got big party plans tonight? Or are you the crash early type? I’m proud to say I’ve made it…
What Is Socially Responsible Investing and How to Start
Hey money friends! Are any of you nerds into socially responsible investing? (A.k.a. sustainable investing, ESG investing, or impact investing?) I got this question from…
J. Money Is Alive! And He Launched a New Curation Site… All-Star Money!
He’s back! The infamous J. Money who started this sexy blog over a decade ago has emerged! And he’s here today to tell us all…
Happy Thanksgiving! Here’s Some Good Reads From Around The Interwebs…
Happy Spanksgiving! 😉 Hope you’re all safe and enjoying the holidays :) Here are some fun and interesting personal finance reads from around the web……
“My financial journey began when my father passed away 1.5 yrs ago”
Morning, fam! So we got this entry into our giveaway-palooza last week (winners listed here btw), and after reading it I couldn’t help but pry…
The Lifetime-Net Worth-Simulator
Happy Memorial Day everyone!! While you’re out reflecting and celebrating today, let me suggest another fun (and FREE) activity to include for your enjoyment: Filling…
My Favorite Reads This Month 💎
Morning! I don’t know why people keep saying they have so much more time during these quarantine days than normal as it’s only shrunken for…