[Got a feisty article for y’all today while I recuperate from the festivities that is FinCon (our financial blogging conference – where, contrary to belief,…
Browsing Category Rant
What Payday Lenders Don’t Want You to Know About
We’ve all heard to stay away from payday loans, but why is that? Why are they so horrible? Should you ever get one? (Spoiler alert:…
The 7 Most Mind-Blowing Ways to Save Money E-V-E-R
I donβt know about you, but Iβve come across a ton of great tips around the internet lately and I just had to tell you…
Side Hustle (FAIL): Becoming a Sperm Donor
(**If you’re sensitive to the nature of this matter, you should avert your eyes now.** But if you’re not, and you’ve always wondered how to…
When It’s Time to Detach From Your Things
“My favorite things arenβt things any more” – Courtney Carver Last month I almost did something crazy. I almost gave away my entire coin collection….
6 Areas of Finance I Hate Dealing With
You might think I love everything about money as a finance blogger, but I wouldn’t bet the house on it as you’d be wrong :)…
20 Ways to Piss Off Your Local Bank Teller
[Hey guys! Have a feisty one about what to not do at a bank for y’all today while still at the beach ;) Brought to…
New Game: “Things I can afford when ____ is gone!”
Guess what day it is? Guess what day it is?? Never gets old… :) It’s also the day we play a new game called, “Things…
It’s 5 am – Do You Know Where Your Credit Card Info Is?
For the second dang time in the same dang month, I’ll have to update my freakin’ dang credit card info across all the sites it’s…
$47,150.29 – The Total Spent on Our House Last Year
I write today’s post with both disgust, and relief. Disgust because we shelled out over forty-seven THOUSAND freakin’ dollars on our house last year (!!!),…