One year ago I picked up a large, 8 cup, water bottle to help force me to drink more water, and after staring at it…
Browsing Category Money Management
Are You a Rich Bitch? [New Book + Giveaway]
If you’re offended by the word “bitch,” I highly suggest averting your eyes right now and finding something better in my archives :) But for…
My Answer to All Financial Debates
“What should I do – invest or pay off my mortgage?” “What’s better – paying off debt or building up savings?” “Who’s sexier – you…
Why I Use Empower Almost Every Single Day [A Real Life Review]
[Hey guys! So I’ve been trying to get y’all a personal review of Empower (formerly Personal Capital) for ages ‘cuz they’re bad ass, but after…
Our Most Popular Articles of 2014
Happy New Years Eve y’all! Before you get sloshed out there and party into the wee hours, I thought I’d give you an opportunity to…
Even Experts Need Help With Money
I got a really interesting/confusing email the other day that initially through me for a loop. It was from my friend B. and went something…
How to Be Invincible
[Yours truly is still hungover gathering his marbles from this weekend’s financial nerdfest, so please enjoy a great article today by my blogging friend Matt…
Where All My Bank Accounts Are
Have you ever stopped and counted where all your financial accounts are? Could you list them out on a sheet of paper if needed? (PS:…
I’m Officially a Money Coach :)
Yup, as of last night I officially became a money coach after having my first (paid) session with a client :) And as you can…
Do You Have Money Left Over Each Month?
The whole point of budgeting, besides getting an A from yours truly, is to figure out how much “extra” you’re playing with every month. When…