As of today, I’ve been a father for 3 years, 2 months, and 8 days. And for the past 16 months, 2 weeks and 5…
Browsing Category Life
Become a Mad Scientist w/ Your $$$
One of my favorite financial blogs is the Mad Fientist who cleverly mashed the word “scientist” with “financial independence” (or FI), and then added “Mad”…
PS: It’s Okay to Buy Stuff
One of my favorite sayings in the world is “you can afford anything, you just can’t afford everything.” Attributed to the beautiful (and financially independent!)…
Piggies, Composting, and a Benjamin Franklin Update!
First, let’s get to the important part…. Look what I came across on my morning walk yesterday!!! A PIG! On a leash! As in someone’s…
A Different Way to Think About Money
Two years ago my friend Pauline wrote an article for us on how to flip stuff like a pro. It was a fascinating read (and…
“It’s Your Own Fault You Own Expensive Stuff”
On one of my morning walks recently, a nice older gentleman stopped me and asked if I had sat next to him at a recent…
18 Ways Not to Spend Money This Weekend
Here are 18 ways to have a money-free weekend. In order of importance: Don’t walk into any stores Get off Facebook/Amazon/THE INTERNET Hand someone your wallet….
What Should I Do With My $200,000 Inheritance?
Got one of those emails recently that you kinda wish happened to you, but also kinda don’t :) A reader has the fortunate problem of…
What I Learned Working Like Benjamin Franklin For a Week
As many of you know, I’ve been following in the steps of Benjamin Franklin all week long in an effort to find a better, and…
The Zero Waste Lifestyle
As the 5 am wake ups continue, another effect has been an increased desire to learn more. I’m not typically one to go out of…