Guest post by Nicole Ouellette Having your own business isn’t all rainbows and unicorns but I personally wouldn’t have it any other way. When I…
Browsing Category Career
Confessions of an Online Poker Player
This is a guest post from an Anonymous Professional Poker Player (sexy!). Update: Part 2 is now live. There is an old saying, “Poker is…
Would you rather… Money vs. Job edition
Wow it’s been a long time since I’ve done a “would you rather“. I feel like we need one of these to get our brains…
Control Lifestyle Inflation Before it Controls You.
***************************************************************** This is a guest article from video blogger Vik Tantry. He runs the personal finance site, and has some pretty wicked videos uploaded…
Doing What You Love Pays Dividends
This is a guest post from my dear brother. Many of you expressed a great interest in his return after his earlier post – debt…
What makes a job a truly enjoyable place to work?
I was recently asked this by a dear blogger friend of mine, Wide Open Wallet, and realized that it was a helluva good question! And…
The Awesomest Compilation of Weird & Crazy Jobs E-V-E-R!
And you thought today was gonna be boring ;) This all started the other day when my girl Money Mate Kate posted up some crazy-a$$…
Banks should pay their employees correctly, right?
********************************************************************************************************************Guest Post: You all know i LOVE me some crazy money stories, so when a fellow blogger hit me up on the side i couldn’t…
Interview: 1 on 1 with an Employer (they have feelings too?)
Hello my fellow budgets-are-sexy readers! I’ve been getting a handful of emails lately w/ the economy being as it is these days, but rarely do…
Have you ever gotten your paycheck in cold hard cash?
Cuz i gotta tell you – it feels AWESOME! and not because it’s payday, which is nice, but you can actually see *how much* money…