If so, you could be reading this in your pajamas right now ;) Remember my friend who likes to push the boundaries at work and…
Browsing Category Career
Auction Off Your Future Income? Okay!
…. Said the woman who just did it :) And who’s now my favorite person of the day! Her name is Sarah Hanson, and she…
My Dead Sexy Job: Living Life as a Mortician
(A “behind the scenes” guest post by Greg Johnson) A few months ago, J. Money posted about the 6 Best (And Highest Paying Jobs) in America….
It’s My “2 Years of Being Laid Off” Aversary :)
Well, 2 years, 1 month and approximately 2 days since that fateful day, but who’s counting ;) Anyone still around from back then? Or have…
Would a Salary of $161,000 Make You Happiest?
It should, according to some new “research” my wife passed along to me. There was an article and vid on Today.com a few weeks back,…
The Oregon Trail Guide to Personal Finance: What Happens Next?
(Article by Jana from the Daily Money Shot – hope you like the flashback as much as I did! ;)) As a child of the…
The Millionaire Mailman?
An interesting thing happens when you’re taking care of a child all day long – you end up going outside as much as possible in…
The 6 Best (And Highest Paying!) Jobs in America
CNN Money just came out with their latest snapshot on the best new jobs in America right now, and not surprisingly none of them were…
Are You Underpaid? Why Bob Makes More Money Than You Do.
(Guest Post by “Your Boss“) You and Bob do the same job. Both of you have worked the same number of years for the same…
My Entire Work History: All 40 Jobs ;)
I was telling a friend the other day how funny it was that I almost became a Secret Service Agent once (he didn’t believe me,…