You ever catch yourself saying that whenever you’re about to splurge on something?? “JUST ONE TIME!” And then that one time becomes two times, and…
Browsing Category Budgeting
(The best articles we’ve featured around budgeting)
Phrases to use instead of “I Don’t Want to Spend Money”
Caught this on Twitter and had to reshare! Great alternatives! So many of us struggle with saying “no” to stuff, but it’s not because we…
The net worth of a 24 year old obsessed with all things finance :)
INSIDE: Here’s a financial snapshot of a woman who shares some great graphs & spreadsheets on how she manages it all. Great thing to do…
Children now average $30 a week in allowance?!
Saw this in a press release this morning and almost spit out my coffee! Children average $30 a week in allowance Daaaang!!! Inflation sure has…
Lifestyle Creep… Isn’t That Kind of the Point?
INSIDE: The how, what, when, and where of the lifestyle creep. Otherwise known as lifestyle inflation and the thing that sucks up all your money…
A Peek Inside Amanda’s Money Notebooks!
Another day, another person’s money to snoop around in! Haha… And this time along with some nifty MONEY NOTEBOOKS! The budgeting method of choice from…
Ever track your money using a calendar?! Here’s a reader’s review of a new app he’s obsessed with.
Hey guys! Welcome to a new week of saving money and kicking a$$! Still recovering from all the fun that is FinCon over here (was…
Cool new product (and giveaway) –> Budgeting Stickers!!
Heyoooo!!! Got a cool new product to pass along your way today, particularly for those who love some journaling/scrapbooking/good ol’ sticker fun ;) They come…
Interesting Financial Rules to Follow (?)
Came across this article from Kiplinger this morning, and can’t say I’ve heard of half these rules of thumb before, haha… Maybe that’s why they’re…
Do you know your Survival Number?
Stumbled across this clip from an old guest post here, and thought it needed to be re-shared and contemplated again ;) Have you ever ran…