Maybe now that i have a budget set up i’ll actually start BUYING the presents :) Seriously, i haven’t bought a single thing yet…i don’t…
Browsing Category Budgeting
(The best articles we’ve featured around budgeting)
My Credit Card Budget
It’s reader mail time again, and it’s all about Credit Cards! You all know I love me some emails (and comments, twitterings, etc) so don’t…
The BEST headline ever: "Sexy, Budget-Friendly Berlin"
What a gem i found this morning!!! ‘Budgets’ AND ‘sexy’ in the same headline? Hell yeah! It reminds me of that famous collaboration between Justin…
Saving 10% of your money is like "paying an extra bill".
Yesssir, you got that straight. I can’t remember for the life of me where i stumbled upon this link, but it’s from 2006 and talks…
The Easiest Way to be Financially Confident? Track Your Money.
It’s not HOW MUCH you bring in, or how much you spend, but it’s KNOWING where your money is! And not where you *think* your…
Budgeting 101: Get Your Priorities Straight (guest post)
******************************************************************************************************************** Guest Post: Miranda Marquit writes for the AllBusiness Personal Finance Corner and Yielding Wealth, and believes in the sexy budget as well! Hope you…
My 4 Favorite Pieces of Financial Advice E-V-E-R.
Every now and then a friend or two will ask me for my best financial advice, and while I wished I could refer them to…
Talking personal finance with neighbors/strangers.
I was out on my deck last night talking with our deck neighbor (we live in townhouses), and he asked me something i don’t often…
Wanna know what it feels like to have ZERO credit card debt?
It feels GREAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT! (in the voice of Tony the Tiger). I know this because the Mrs. and i JUST paid off all 3 outstanding credit…
The new super sexy House Budget!
So I’ve been playing around w/ different ways to handle our “house” stuff quite a bit lately, and while i’m still not all the way…