I can’t remember if I’ve blogged about this yet or not, but just in case here’s rule #27 on the J. Money “List of Money…
Browsing Category Budgeting
(The best articles we’ve featured around budgeting)
Do You “Spend it if it’s there?”
I’ve had a few people bring up that phrase lately, and it’s all rather fascinating to me. Cuz in all honestly, I have no idea…
The Anti-Budget, Budget
I saw this in Money Mag over the weekend, and it took me a while to figure out if I loved it or I hated…
Why You Will Never Get Rich Cutting Your Budget
(Guest post by Hank Coleman) I hate budgeting. There, I said it. That can’t be a popular stance to take on Budgets Are Sexy. Budgets…
Zen and the Art of Couples Budgeting
(Guest Post by Gene Roberts) The title of this post is more than just a rip-off of the book, “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle…
“I have made the decision to just FAST-I am out of control”
Check out this email I got from a fan who’s gonna stop shopping for a month. This is what I call passion! :) You put…
The (Crazy Simple) “Bucket” Budget
I came across this SUPER simple budget the other day in Money Mag, and I’m not gonna lie – it’s kinda sexy! Especially if you’re…
My “New” Monthly Paycheck
So I’ve learned that when you’re self-employed, there’s no such thing as a “steady paycheck.” At least as a full-time blogger and entrepreneur wannabe ;)…
5 Personal Finance Lessons We Can Learn from the Miami Heat
(Guest Post by Stu at Pennywise 2 Pennyworth) The Miami Heat have already had an up and down year. They struggled to start the season,…
It’s Okay to Go Over Budget :)
Got a great email last week from a reader, and think a lot of you may feel the same way about this budgeting stuff. My…