Gooooood morning, beautifuls! What’s new in your world? How’d your February wrap up? Have you started updating your net worth already since it’s the 1st…
Posts Published by J. Money
Obscure financial holidays to mark on your calendar :)
As “America Saves Week” continues on, I was reminded of some other fun holidays we should all be better about celebrating ;) After all, why…
Would you give up sex for a year in exchange for a free year of college tuition?
According to a study I just read, 61% of people would! Haha… At least when it comes to college tuition *for their kids* :) And…
A Saver Checklist + Tips!
In celebration of “America Saves Week” (a real thing going on right now!), here’s a checklist to see how prepared or not you are ;)…
The average 401(k) balance by age
INSIDE: Looking for the average 401K balance by age? Here’s a simple breakdown and my analysis, as well as some tips for increasing your numbers….
Tooth Fairy payouts plunges for a 2nd consecutive year 🧚♀️
I know this was at the top of your mind this year, so had to share the second I caught wind ;) “Tooth Fairy Payouts…
When was the last time you treated yourself?
When was the last time you really treated yourself to something? Are you happy about it? Caught this article on Business Insider and got me…
Some good resources on the blog to bookmark ⭐
Hey guys! Been a while since Iβve pointed out a bunch of the resources on this blog, so thought I’d drop a quick line today…
17 Hacks to Reach FIRE Faster
Last week I asked y’all what hacks you’re doing right now to reach FIRE faster, and your answers were just as creative as they were…
Stats That Would Make Our Founding Fathers Cringe
Happy Presidents Day! Here are a bunch of financial stats I’ve been saving up that would shock our founding fathers right up from out of…