Wedding #8 this year: The Bahamas! (minus travel insurance)

travel insurance?The summer is winding down, but we sure as hell aren’t finished with Wedding Season.

You’d think the one we just had on Labor Day woulda been the end to it, but crazily enough we’re only half way there! We have THREE (3) more this month (in a row, mind you) and then the last grand finale mid-January in the Bahamas – which i’m not complaining about at all.

But while i have enough ammo to turn this post into a wedding rant, i shall not. Considering the Mrs. and I wed back in May, we really dont’ have any room to talk. haha…plus, 4 out of the 7 other weddings are for super close friends and we’re delighted we get to spend $700 in presents share in their love and joy together :)

(we’ve decided to give $100 as wedding presents from here on out since we know how much we appreciated $ over gifts ourselves! So 7 weddings = $700…ouch)

I’d actually like to explore “Travel Insurance” a bit and see if it’s worth it or not. And apparantly to us, it isn’t because we turned it down! haha…but neither of us have ever used it, nor had any crazy issues that would have ever stopped us from going. (HUGE knock on wood here please, my goodness!) So we’re naturally pessimistic about spending another $200 for the chance of something getting in our way.

Here’s what this “Cancel For Any Reason Travel Protection Plan” covers:

– Trip interruption should clients need to return home early for a covered reason.
– Protection against addional expenses in the event a covered weather delay.
– Reimbursement for lost or stolen baggage.
– Reimbursement for medical expenses incurred overseas. Many group health or primary medical insurance plans do not cover medical expenses incurred outside of the United States or the plan’s covered territories.

Maybe we’ve never heard of, or used it, before though because this is the first time we went through a travel agent? We’re pros at using and the internet to get flights and hotels and such, and rarely do we get a pop up or extra check box to pay for insurance of any type.

The whole trip cost us $1313.20 for all airfare, hotel & tax costs, airport xfers, etc. Everything except for food basically, which lucky enough will be covered by the wedding events :) And we’re only going for the weekend (crazy, i know!), so spending an extra $89 a peice is really the last thing we wanna do.

Of course, our realtor travel agent (i always get those 2 mixed up) was blown away that we’d turn down such a thing. In fact, not only did she mention 98% of her clients take it every single time, but she made me email her back explicitly stating that we do not want it so that she can have it in writing “just in case”. And this is after the 3 emails spelling out exactly what the policy covers.

I know she means well and all, but seriously – she has got me all 2nd guessing myself now! I mean, look at this last attempt to sway us:

“If you choose NOT to purchase the protection I need to advise you that the airfare is FULLY NONREFUNDABLE once ticketed, it cannot be used for another travel date and it cannot be transferred to another person… “

Have strong feelings, much?! After all was said and done, we kept firm and declined the $200 addition. It was our initial gut response, and we feel good about it. We also don’t do well with “scare tactics”, so the more they came, the more we were fighting back.

But are we idiots? You can tell me the truth, we need some un-biased opinions. You could even be anonymous if you’re afraid i’ll come over there and find you ;) I’m pretty sure it comes down to personal opinion and experience anyways, but that little F’er has really got me thinking now…

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