Want one of these domain names?!


So in an attempt to become more minimalist over here – AND – raise a little money for my cold and hungry homeless friends, I’m tackling one of the hardest areas known to entrepreneurs:


Which, of course, are ALL awesome and worth MILLIONS of dollars if we ever get them off the ground, but as Derek Sivers is fond of saying – ideas are worth nothing unless executed ;) And, well, despite how much I’d love to execute on ALL of these I’m pretty sure if I haven’t done it in the past 10 years I never will…

But maybe YOU could use one of these?! Perhaps one of these domains is the missing puzzle to finally getting your own passion project off the ground?!

If so I’d love to make a deal with you today!! You donate some money to help replenish my Community Fund (that goes 100% to my poor – yet positive! – friends living on the streets) and I’ll give you a domain name of your choosing in return :)

It’s a win-win-win!!

Here are the domains up for the taking:


#1) PFBloggers.com Gone! Enjoy it, Tom!

This is an old school one picked up during the Rockstar Finance days of 2013, and we were going to use it for our community’s first Blog Directory. We ended up merging it however with RF itself so it never became its own standalone site, but I’ve held onto it ever since just in case I wanted to build out another directory again… which sadly still doesn’t exist in our space, even after all these years :(

But maybe you could be the one to get one running again? :) It’s a perfectly direct name for one, right?

And interestingly enough, after plugging it into the Wayback Machine, I found it was actually at one time a home for financial creators back in 2008!

pf bloggers network

The Personal Finance Bloggers Network (PF Bloggers for short) currently consists of 7 blogs that write about personal finance and frugal living. We are not finance professionals but just normal people with goals for a life free of debt and worry.

How cool is that?ย  You might even recall some of the original founders of it if you’ve been around for a while:

  • Wide Open Wallet
  • Our Fourpence Worth
  • No Debt Plan
  • Master Your Card
  • Living Almost Large
  • Girls Just Wanna Have Funds
  • Get Rich or Die Trying

I miss these guys… some of the founding fathers (and mothers!) of our industry!


#2. PFChat.com

This was another domain we were going to use for the forums of Rockstar Finance (2014), but also got merged into one main hub… But what a short and sweet name for an online community??! Or even a portal or blog attached to a business or app or something in the financial space? It would certainly make for an easy to remember redirection url too, though of course in my opinion it’s strong enough to live on its own :)

This is gonna be the one that’s hardest to depart with as I still very much love the name and want to hold out hope that eventually I’ll make use of it!, but again if I haven’t touched it in 9 years then odds are I’m not going to… 😭


#3. MoneyLatte.com Now Gone!! Thanks, Jessica!

Okay – now this one is my favorite out of ALL my unused domains, and 100% what I’d build my next blog on if I ever needed to start a new one from scratch… Just think of all that organic traffic you’d get from talking about saving money on coffee ad nauseam! 🤣

But seeing how I ended up buying BudgetsAreSexy back for good, I don’t think I’d have the energy to manage another one, although I have been tempted with sharing short – quick – bites of finance to help people start their day better (similar to what caffeine does to you! Heyo!), so for that route this would make a perfect home, but again will I ever pull the trigger on it??! Probably not.

So it’s all yours if you want to steal my idea!! :)

coffee gif


#4. DebtDrop.org

I love this domain so much too. And even dubbed one of our projects “Debt Drop” back in the day when I used to partner up with Melanie Lockert of DearDebt.com to share some love…

We used to go around anonymously paying off chunks of debt for people, and then picked up this domain in case we ever wanted to make it an “official” project. After 2-3 years we took a break, but alas I’ve been renewing it ever since and quietly holding my tears back as it sits there collecting dust 😢

Out of all the domains this is the one I’d love to see someone take over the most and continue putting out GOOD in the world as we still need so much help out there, specially around debt. It’s so crushing to people!!


#5. SquidpantsInternational.com

Now this one is *NOT* on the table, but oh how I wish it was…

Click it if you dare, but here’s what my biz partner Nate St. Pierre once publicly shared on Facebook:


“I don’t save things, and I’m not sentimental. Nor do I pay for things I don’t need.


When Jay Money and I were doing our Love Drop national tour in 2011, we had to buy a URL for a new site we were building, and Jay had to help me with the name. For whatever reason he just wouldn’t do it, and I told him that if he didn’t give me his thoughts by the end of the day, I was just going to name it Squidpants International.

He didn’t, so I did.

I bought the URL and put up a picture I took of him that day buying a lottery ticket and telling me why he was too busy to help me with the name. What you see is the entire website.

Here we are, 13 years later, when I get my annual bill for renewing the URL, and I continue to pay for it, just because the joke still makes me laugh whenever I think about it. Also because it brings back many good memories of working together, stressing out, laughing a lot, and putting some love into the world 🖤

Happy website anniversary, you jackass.”


So sweet, isn’t he?

What I should do is actually use one of these domains for a Spite Site a la Larry David so I don’t have to hear about this every year, haha, but seeing how I’m the nicer of the two I shall respectfully take the high road ;)

You sure are clever though, buddy!!

latte larrys spite store

[Latte Larry’s]


At any rate, that’s what we’ve got today! And I’m proud to state I haven’t bought a *new* domain name in years, and even more smartly – I no longer buy them while drunk!! 😂

Let me know if you’d like any of these, and more importantly if you’d like to contribute to my Community Fund. It’s the toughest season out there for my friends on the streets, and I can promise that every last dollar goes directly to them because I’m the one who’s literally handing it to them! (Or buying them coffee/clothes/hotel rooms/etc)

Click this button to donate through Paypal (you don’t need a Paypal account to do so), or DM me on the side and we’ll find another way to make it happen. (I know I have a Venmo somewhere too…)

Have a most blessed holiday season if we don’t talk beforehand! We are all more fortunate than we even know, and it’s a good time to be thankful for that.

Your good pal and President of Squidpants International,

j. money signature

// Photo up top by Junior Teixeira via Pexels

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  1. Financial Fives December 12, 2024 at 6:13 PM

    Such a cool idea! I wish I bought domain names like cars.com back when the internet was in it’s infancy…if only I came of age at the right time :)

    1. J. Money December 12, 2024 at 6:57 PM

      Sadly enough I WAS of age during that time! And remember people doing that, but apparently I thought MY NAME would be worth more so I went with that instead 🤣 🤣 🤣

      Still have it to this day, lol.

  2. Tom Harrigan December 14, 2024 at 11:02 AM

    The spirit of this is awesome!

    1. J. Money December 15, 2024 at 12:05 PM

      Thanks dude!! Just saw your donation come in – really appreciate that!! Super generous! PFBloggers is all yours – I’ll DM you!


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