Introducing my new baby boy!
(Because apparently I don’t know how to make girls ;))
Baby Dime gives our growing family a nice sum of 16 whole cents now, and I’m pleased to announce he’s just as healthy as he is cute :)
*Say hi to everyone, little guy!!!!*
And compared to his older two brothers so far, he has been a dream! Super relaxed and goes with the flow, and we’ve only had one super hard night in the past 7 days or so since he’s been alive… Hopefully it continues!
And I gotta say, there is a huge perk of having another kid of the same sex:
I swear we’ve maybe only bought two or three things in the past 9 months like a new car seat (did you know they expire??), but everything else we had more than covered…. Clothes, toys, play pens – dozens of each! And for once I’ll give my wife credit for battling me during my fits of minimalism* as we surely wouldn’t have had any of them had I gotten my way over the years ;)
So go mom!
Also came across this 9 month baby plan I announced here some months ago, which is funny to look at now since half of the stuff never saw the light of day, haha…
#1. Get my wife a minivan. Nope! Neither of us had the energy/motivation to go car shopping during the pregnancy, so we decided to table this until my wife’s car gets run into the ground, at which point we’ll pick one up for her. So thank goodness my SUV fit all 3 car seats okay!
#2. Be a stay-at-home dad who blogs on the side vs a stay-at-home blogger who dads on the side :) Still on track for this one, although much too early to tell all the way considering my wife is very much at home with me right now doing a bulk of the work – hah. The REAL test will be when her maternity leave is over and she goes back to work :) I *think* I can do it on my own while still maintaining this blog, but I may need to cheat a little and get help for a few hours here and there – we’ll see.
#3. Move back to my home state of Virginia to be closer to family. FAIL #2. I wanted this one real bad, but alas the cards weren’t on the table yet so we’re giving this state another year and going to try making it back next summer vs this summer. Not optimal, but hey – such if life, eh?
#4. Working less but living more. YES!!! Definitely doing more of this!! Still haven’t worked a single weekend in over 9 months, nor a night in probably 5 or 6… That walk with my son last year combined with the news of this pregnancy did a whopper on my life/work balance, and I have yet to regress back to Hustle Land. Which I do miss at times, but not as much as HAVING A LIFE!!! Hah! And I’m still taking mad naps!! :)
So yeah – all good in the Money household over here, and if I’m slow at responding to anyone over the next handful of weeks/decades, you’ll now know why (although we’ll continue our regularly scheduled postings here as I always have a few hours in between sleepings and poopings).
Speaking of which, time to log off as it’s just about that time to change the wee one’s diaper!
Thanks for all your kind words and prayers over the past handful of months, guys! They worked!!! And I’ll see you again in between some good ol’ quality baby loving sessions….
Here’s another pic of our lass before I go – looks just like his father before his morning coffee!
*Isn’t minimalism so hard to figure out sometimes?? I literally wanted to give away allll our kids’ old stuff but my wife’s “we might need this some day” rational thinking won out… But how do you know when it’s rational or just hoarding?? Everything else we’ve ever gotten rid of hasn’t been missed an ounce, haha..
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Congratulations to you and your family J.!
Good luck on achieving the work-life balance!
I’m going to steal the top of the comment ladder, because I CAN.
CONGRATULATIONS, J. Money!!! Cute little sunuvagun.
Brace yourself for a chaotic household with all them boyz. Tee hee!!!
Haha, thanks man. Hope all is good in your world too :)
Oh my word! Baby Dime is just the cutest little man ever! Many congratulations from over the pond here in England!
heyyy cool! thanks Kate!
AHHHHHHHHHHHH bebe post!!! Oddly, I did know car seats expire. Cribs do too. A lot of things that cradle babies expires. It sounds like a college text book scam but it’s generally for updated safety regulations. Car seats expire big time, definitely a good investment for a new one.
Oh geez, it’s 3AM and now I’m full of adrenaline. He has your lips and look! *I think.* Actually I’m not even sure but I see *something* in the face. (Really tho I’m usually really good with faces, am I right?!)
Haha you are 100% right :) In fact, out of all my three kids this guy looks like me the most! So well done!
Congrats on the new baby!!! That’s great news and hopefully VA is in play in the very near future :)
Congratulations to you & your wife on the healthy arrival of Baby Dime!!! What a cutie :)
HUGE congrats J!!! Adorable!
Hello Baby Dime! Congrats to you and the family J.
Your wife’s rational thinking did win out! But, more importantly, congratulations :)
On the move home, hopefully you do make it next year. It can be hard. We don’t have kids at the moment, but moving back closer to family and friends is one of the reasons we did move the opposite direction you’re intending to do (we went from NYC to Chicago).
Congrats again and all the best! – Mike
There was a time where my mission was to move to a new city every 2 years similar to how I grew up in the military. It was soooo fun and interesting (especially for one with A.D.D.!), but once kids came it def. changed the mission. Though i still hope to get back to traveling a lot even if we have a more permanent home base :) Seeing parts of the world/country is so good for learning!!
Adorable! Congratulations Money family!
I can’t even imagine 3 car seats…Glad they all fit in the SUV!
Congrats!! So happy for you. Glad things are going so well, I hope that trend continues.
Congrats and welcome Baby Dime!
Congratulations! Welcome Baby Dime. You are too adorable.
Wow! Congratulations! Your new life / work balancing will never be regretted!
Congrats on your little lad (not lass). :-) Gives me a touch of baby fever, but I’m done having babies. Gratuitous baby pics are always appreciated.
Haha we thought we were done too ;)
Congrats J! Enjoy him.
Your family lives in Virginia and you live in Maryland!?!?! I figured you just didn’t know any better.
We can’t be friends.
Cute kid though.
Haha, agreed.
Can’t wait to be back!
Big congratulations to the Money household!! It’s so true on same sex being easier on the wallet huh. Striking a usefulness v. hoarding balance is tough… but esp bigger kid things I think fit the bill of keep, as a new crib or toys can cost more than the space saved is worth. Congrats again!
Congratulations to you and your family…wonderful news! I see you’re working on a starting five for the Celtics. Either that or your very own proof set .. just a quarter, a half and dollar to go! Have fun! Paul
Let’s go with the proof set :)
Congratulations! Your son is so adorable.
We are having our second baby in less than four months, and I’m already feeling a bit stressed out haha. We already have a boy and will have a girl this time. :D
LUCKY YOU!!!! Gonna be so beautiful – congrats!!
Congrats. The third musketeer will definitely make your household a lot busier. Once baby dime is mobile, your household will turn into a daycare. Have fun :).
Congratulations to you and to the whole family. What a great day and welcome to this beautiful world baby boy.
Dude. Do you have any idea how expensive kids are? ;)
I’m getting an idea with each passing day :)
Oh my goodness – god bless him! Congratulations to you and your family! Here is my priceless tip for you… My sons are 4 years apart. I keep big clothing bags under my bed, each labeled in chalk with every age in between them. That way I have a specific place to put the clothes my older son outgrew. And every year, I simply open up the bag with my younger son’s new size. This is great for the younger years. By 10, my son wears his clothes to death, less is getting passed down. But my 6 year old has an awesome wardrobe on tap for at least another year. Definitely a huge benefit of same sex kids!
Love it!! Great idea!
Be careful, they outnumber you now.
And nothing wrong with another boy. I am one of three sons, and my brothers and I have 8 sons between us. No girls in our family since 1906. Looks like the “J. Money” name will carry on.
And from an older guy, there has been no age at which I have not enjoyed my sons (oldest in 30, youngest 22). It’s all been good. I’ve been told that teenage girls wreak revenge on their mothers, for what the mother did to THEIR mother. I have no idea whether this is true, but I’ve heard grumbling from some of my friends who are parents of daughters.
Still, I would have liked to have had a daughter…
And don’t begrudge a penny, nickel or a dime you spend on them. You can make it to FI with a family (I’m closing in on 60 and our net worth is north of $5.0 million). I wouldn’t trade my sons for the money that we spent on them.
Congrats again.
Wowwwww!!! Almost as many boys in your family as dollars!!! You are one fortunate, soul!
Congratulations! Children are a blessing!
oh, he’s so freakin cute! congrats!
I come from a LONG line of “keep it you might need it one day people” and I’m STILL trying to figure out the balance between that and hoarding :(
Oh boy, what a cute little man…Welcome Baby Dime!
Congrats to all of you….your life will forever change again…..Enjoy :)
Congratulations! The new baby looks great. I have 2 brothers too. It’s great. :)
Long live the King!
Congratulations :)
Congrats brother! Glad to hear all are well and is well in the J$ household!
Congratulations J$!!
Baby Dime is adorable. I’m so happy for you.
Now he just needs a little more hair so he can spike it like Daddy!
I’m hoping he likes it! The other two don’t think it’s cool at all – hah!
Oh! Congratulations on the safe arrival of Baby Dime!
Best wishes for nights of solid sleep and a quick recovery for mom!
Thank you so much for sharing your happy news. In a world full of sadness, it’s so wonderful to remember that there are babies!
Amen to that :) Very hard to be upset with the world when you’re holding something so precious!! Must be a dream working in the baby wards of hospitals and seeing them come into this world each and every day :)
Congratulations on Baby Dime, J – hope the mostly easy nights continue for you guys!
— Jim
He is so beautiful <3
We’re loving having three little kids now, too (and one on the way), and still rockin’ our tiny house minimalist FI goals. Congratulations to you and Mrs. J!
So happy for you, J! Congratulations!
Ah, congrats! What a sweet face! It looks oddly like you. Just needs to get his baby mohawk going!
So after we adopted the trio we were DONE. And got rid everything! Then sweet baby #5 showed up. So for my baby shower I asked all my mom friends to bring any used gear or clothes they were done with and got 90% of what we needed. The rest I bought used for less than $100. Although we still had a current car seat. So it might not have been the too painful if you had parted ways with the baby stuff. :)
I’m thinking we’ll need to try that route as this last guy outgrows stuff…. My wife says she is finished 100%, but something tells me she wouldn’t be too upset later if a 4th accidentally makes it’s way into the world ;) But in the meantime I’m totally going to go along with her and get rid of all this stuff once and for all! haha….
Congrats J! Going to have a basketball team soon! ;)
Awww! The little guy is soooo cute!
I know what you mean about minimalism. I would have a hard time keeping all that stuff, but from a financial standpoint, it sure makes sense! As you mentioned, at least with all kids the same sex, you can reduce and reuse! :)
Congratulations J – heβs a cutie and a lucky boy. Enjoy this time! As you know they grow up FAST!!!
May his life be richly blessed in all the ways that really truly count!!
I like that :) Thank you so much.
So….will you try again for a baby girl? My cousin had 3 sons and really wanted a girl….yep you guessed it. Twin boys. So she ended up with 5 boys and finally gave up on having a girl!
Congrats…..he’s adorable! Time to start a new savings account to take them all to Disney World when they get old enough!
I WOULD DIE if that happens to me! haha…. oh man… poor cousin.
Congratulations on adding another coin to your collection! ;) Enjoyed seeing him
Best ones of my collection :)
Congrats J$ & family! Very cool to add another coin to your collection haha!
Give it another shot for a baby girl? :)
Congratulations! So awesome that you have arranged your life and finances to spend so much time with your boys. That is priceless!
A huge congrats to you and your family! Welcome to the three-kid club – it’s a crazy ride but a whole lot of fun!
Race you to four?? :)
What are some of the biggest differences you’ve experienced going from 2 to 3 kids, Chris? Asking for a friend. ;)
Congrats on the new addition!
Heβs beautiful. Congrats
Wow exciting news! Congratulations! I have two brothers as well so speaking for my dad Iβm sure he would admit itβs a lot to handle but a lot of fun as well. Good luck!!
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! ::big bro hug::
Forgot to mention, let me know how having 3 goes, we’ve got another on the way in September! :P
Heyyy very cool! Big congrats to you too then! So far it’s MUCH easier than going from 0 to 1 or even 1-2 (which we found super hard). At three you feel like you already know what you’re doing and if your other two are old enough to play with each other it’s even easier :) took out all three of my boys last night to the park and felt like a pro! haha…
Working less and living more. Love it. Congratulations on the little man!!! :)
Look at the little squish!! Many congratulations to your family! What a cute little dude. :)
You may squish him as much as you like when you guys meet, haha…
The King has arrived!
Congratulations to the newest addition, J! :D
Pretty much what I did as soon as I got ahold of him for the first time! Raised him to the sky a la Lion King! :)
A big congrats to your family! Hope you are enjoying the time and better work life balance!
Congrats J on the arrival of Baby Dime!! I did know about car seats expiring, apparently you need a new car seat for every baby here in Cali!
Congratulations! Enjoy not owning wipe warmer. Can’t believe they’re still being sold! I guess that means some sucker is buying…
Wipe warmers?? Never even heard of – what a racket!
Please google this. You will NOT believe your eyes!
Congrats! So cute! And glad to hear he’s healthy.
I’m due in 5 weeks. Ah!
I also resisted the desire to get rid of our baby stuff. Luckily my husband wasn’t pushy about it even though he was the one thinking we were done when I was holding out hope for another….after a good “break” of 4.5 years. I am looking forward to getting all the stuff out of my house some day though!
And back to diapers again :)
But how cute they are – makes it all worth it!! Congrats!
Congratulations, J and family!! Baby Dime is so cute! :) Wishing you more easy nights
Congrats, man! Happy and healthy. Can’t ask for more. :)
Congrats, J. Money!
Enjoy the new addition to your family and all the best. Cheers!
Congratulations! You obviously need to wait before you can give him a Mohawk :)
Oh, he’s absolutely gorgeous. Having boys is definitely more wallet friendly than having fashion conscious girls :D
Congratulations to you both :)
Congratulations to you and your wife!
New babies are such miracles….and this one is adorable :)
OMG congrats! You have to update your bio now to state “THREE beautiful boys”!
Good call!! :)
Congratulations, J$ and family! What a handsome fella! Weβve got three boys over at the Single Income household as well (and about the same ages too). I hope you enjoy these first few weeks as a family of 5!
Heyyy very cool!! Send me all your pointers please!! :)
What a precious little boy! Congrats to you and your wife!
Hey J,
A huge congratulations to you and your family. He’s beautiful. Enjoy!
Blessings to the whole family. He’s cute.
Congrats on the newborn. My baby boy was just born on 5/25, and surprisingly the blanket and beanie are identical to those on your pics. I’m not sure if that’s standard for all hospitals, or if yours was also born in Petaluma, ca.
Haha yeah – I’m pretty sure every hospital on the planet uses them as this is our 3rd son from a 3rd different hospital and still came home with the same beanie and blanket :) Guess they’re super comfortable and/or cheap! Haha…