So far so good – We’re off to the Bahamas and $178 richer!

travel insurance? Nope.It’ll be our first destination wedding we attend :) And if you recall, we said hell to the no on picking up the travel insurance as it just didn’t make sense this trip.

I really hope i’m not jinxing our selves here, but by the time you read this i *should* be on that plane and going on my merry way. And please, pray we don’t land in the water like yesterday’s mess :( Although what a happy ending, my gosh!

Here’s what the “Cancel For Any Reason Travel Protection Plan” covered, had we listened to our travel agent plead and PLEAD that we get it (seriously, i really hope all goes well….whey am i post this now BEFORE we get back? oh well…i’ve already started):

  • It cannot be used for another travel date and it cannot be transferred to another person
  • Trip interruption should clients need to return home early for a covered reason.
  • Protection against additional expenses in the event a covered weather delay.
  • Reimbursement for lost or stolen baggage.- Reimbursement for medical expenses incurred overseas. Many group health or primary medical insurance plans do not cover medical expenses incurred outside of the United States or the plan’s covered territories.

Well yes, any of those things would be horrible shall they happen. But since it’s a) too late to get now, and b) probably wouldn’t be convinced anyways since it didn’t work last time, I think we’re good to go. Here are my thoughts on it:

  • Date is now here and 100% settled! woohoo :) And the Mrs. changed her last name months ago on her passport, so this is now all good.
  • We’re leaving today and coming back in 2 days. Even if we *had* to come back early, could we even get a flight out before our scheduled one anyways? And will it be “covered”?
  • We’re only checking in 1 bag each, and if they get lost don’t the airlines cover this anyways? just in case i won’t bring my finest duds ;) flipflops and a Hawaiian shirt baby!
  • Now THIS is scary, i won’t lie…I seriously don’t know what i’d do in this situation. But i’m hoping that out of the 60+ people attending the wedding, ONE of them would be a doctor ;) And if not? well sucks to be me!

I’ll let you know if anything crazy happens, but for now i’m just worried about those baggage fees! Is that stuff still going on? Does it count going overseas? Is the Bahamas considered “overseas”? Can I ASK any more questions? Happy weekend hookers, don’t miss me too much.

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