So this list was a lot harder to put together than our money one :)
Apparently there’s a lot less synonyms for debt than there is moolah which was surprising? (Though really *anything* that goes along with “SUCK” can easily be substituted here, haha…)
For Kari, who challenged me to come up with this list…
A bunch of other words for “debt”:
- Albatross
- Baggage
- Bloodsucker
- Burden
- Buyorrhea (<– something Mr Money Mustache would make up! Haha…)
- Chains
- Deficit
- Embarrassment
- Encumbrance
- Guilt
- Handcuffs
- Hindrance
- In the hole
- In the red
- Indebtedness
- Leech
- Leverage (<– for those who love debt ;))
- Liability
- Lien
- Load
- Note
- Obligation
- Parasite
- Reckoning
- Responsibility
- Shackles
- Slavery
- Soul Crusher
- Stress
- Tab
- Weight
And… that’s all I’ve got.
I tried googling “slang for debt” but that was quickly a no go, haha….
What do you guys like calling it? Anything good?
For our list on 60 different words for “money”, click here.
ADDENDUM: Here are a few more from the community!
- Cement shoes
- Credit
- Disease
- Gambling (against your future self)
- Millstone
- Monkey on the back
- “My epic fail” (Haha…)
- Negative Equity
- OPM (other people’s money)
- Over a barrel Vowels (Victorian English reference of IOU’s)
- Yoke
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“Soul Crusher” <– Yessss! That's just how it feels!
The only nice thing about that is that it hopefully fires you up to get rid of it even faster! :)
Negative Equity is the one that car loan people like to use.
yes – good one!
Good list! How about βGambling against your future selfβ? Not a quippy term, and not sure if itβs even accurate but it feels like it when you have debt.
Haha, truth…
Is that what you call it, or what CAUSES it? Haha…
lifeblood vampire or cashflow leech
Great combos of some of the words up there!
“Poor Tax”
Also a popular one for “lottery” :)
Nicely done! :-)
It was all for you! Haha…
I’m loving the evil ones lol.. But my favorite is leverage
Sounds like you know how to use it :)