J’s New Year’s Resolutions – no pressure, no problem mon!

J's New Year's ResolutionsAll this drinkin’ & dancin’ & beachin’ has jostled a few goals loose this weekend ;) And it’s a good thing too as i was starting to think i lost all motivation!

But I’m back in action and happy to say that ’09 is gonna be THE year to remember. I can’t tell you how or why that is, but i’m sure damn excited about it.

And why the shite is it snowing outside? Doesn’t this weather know that sunburn doesn’t mesh well with snow ;) But i digress…actually no wait – I forgot to mention that there were NO baggage fees this weekend!!! I guess if you go international you’re in the clear. Okay, now back to you regularly scheduled content for real.

It’s been 19 days since the New Year, and I’m finally ready to put down some goals on paper type! They’re a lot more difficult than last year’s, but if i could pull off just 75% of these I’ll be one happy mother f’er ;) Here’s everything i came up with, broken down by category:

Personal Finance:

  • Pay off the last of the car loans – $3,214.87
  • Combine and analyze the Mrs. and I’s money – expenses, assets, net worths
  • Hit $2,000 on the sell-o-meter.
  • Have a combined Net Worth of $125k.

Life in General:

  • Write more letters instead of emails 24/7.
  • Put up crown molding and new light fixtures in the house (yikes!).
  • Travel to a new foreign country! (we won’t count Bahamas)

Bloggy Blog: (* = long shot)

  • Keep blogging at least once a day, M-F.
  • Hit 2,000 subscribers! *
  • Make a total of $6,000 through advertising. **
  • Get featured in the media (TV, Magazine, Consumerist) ***
  • Interview a celebrity about their money skillz *****

And I’m spent. Whew! How the H-E-double-hockey-sticks am i gonna work it all out? haha….remember that saying? So yeah, I’ve got my work cut out for me. But at least they’re all do-able, at least the ones i have control over…How about you? Working on anything you’d like to share w/ the rest of us? Or perhaps your NY resolutions is to not have any NY resolutions ;)

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