This isn’t #money related, but it’s #freedom, #happiness, #inspiration related.
Make sure to watch it sometime over the weekend :)
The guy is Jedidiah Jenkins and it’s only 4(th of July) mins long.
[Hat tip to Retire29 who had a nice write up on this. Link to video here if you can’t see.]
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I’ll be up for this in a few years when the boy can pedal himself
Looks awesome!
You can probably throw him in one of those kid carriers you attach at the back of them :)
Good for him. Time sure does go by fast. Every time l blink, the week is already over. Yikes.. I couldn’t imagine biking the world though.. give me comfort any old day ;-)
You could walk it, drive it, fly it instead? :)
I salute that guy! I know one guy who quit his job because he wants to travel all over the world and I’m following all his social media accounts.
Hmmmm interesting that this article was written on June 29th. I seem to recall mentioning Mr. Jenkins in remarks on your blog back on June 24th….My thought is the folks at Discovery Channel blew it…this guy and his journey would have been an excellent topic. I swear if I see one more “reality show” in Alaska, I’m gonna throw up….. It seems the camera crews now out number the grizzly bears in the “Last Frontier”….
You did! I was trying to figure out why it was so familiar… I guess it’s one of those things you have to hear a few times until you actually stop and check the stuff out :) So thanks for helping me get to that point – this guy is amazing.
Fair to point out…Mr. Jenkins has skills….he has a law degree…so I’m thinking employment may not be as challenging as one would think. Last time I hired an attorney …$275 an hour…. And lastly he is left handed….much has been written about “lefties” and how their brains are “wired” differently….Could explain a lot….
hah, well, this all could be true but either way he’s inspiring no matter how you cut it :)
“Routine is the enemy of time, it makes it fly by” Wow!!! What a powerful statement. Kudos to Jedidiah. Life is precious and short don’t waste it!
It hits you hard, right? So true!!
Incredible! Scenery in video is amazing!
So cool! I really like his perspective that routine is the enemy of time. I don’t know if I’d ride my bike through Mexico though! But he’s give me food for thought. Thanks for sharing!
That’s what I love most about the video – it gets you to STOP and think. And hopefully long enough to make some small changes before we forget and get back to the real world! Haha… Maybe we need to make a calendar item to pop up every few weeks to re-watch :)
Inspiring. I am wondering how he financed the trip?
Yeah, def. crossed my mind too :) I know he just came out with a book (or will be) and seems pretty damn smart, so I’m sure he’s doing just fine. Helps he’s pretty minimalistic too it seems, yeah?
Wow! This was powerful. Because he challenged me to continuing thinking outside the routine, I’m trying to focus on the romanticism of this rather than the practicality. Old me might wonder how he can afford this. New me wonders knows what’s possible when I challenge everything!
He def. takes Challenging Everything to a new level! :) If he got rid of his house/stuff/etc that would free up some good expenses too. Not sure what he did though, would be interesting to find out.
There’s something about long, scenic bike rides I’ve always found inspiring. What a journey!
“… in a sense it turns your 100 years to a thousand.” Very interesting… I feel like we just had the 4th of July, and now here it is again. What did I even do with the last year of my life?! Inspiring piece. Thanks for sharing.
I liked that too :) Time slows down so much it feels like you’re living even longer. I don’t know what’s better than that?
Thanks for the plug. Very happy that so many of your readers are receptive to this kind of content. Great stuff!
Thanks for writing about it!
I had watched this other video the night before, and the guy in it (Jimmy V) said you should always do something each day that makes you THINK and feel emotion:
So thank you kindly, friend. It really moved something in me :)
There sure is a movement out there of folks “quitting their jobs to ______” Must be related to the great dissatisfaction and inability to “own” our work in our corporate jobs – but it is amazing the stories that are out there of people doing this. Kudos to em. But I wonder, what happens after they “travel the world”…
They never want to work a 9-5 again probably, haha… So hopefully they figure out how to get financially free so they don’t *need* to “go back” anytime! :)
Life is long enough if you live well.
One of my friends saved money for ten years so he could quit his job and travel the world for a few years. He’s been in South America for over a year and I love following his website and photos. He said he wanted to have huge experiences and memories, find himself and finally settle down after his travels. He’s another true inspiration!
Just checked it out – his “Stats” page is pretty cool! For all us $$$ nerds :)
Just fascinating, fascinating stuff. Thanks so much for sharing.
Love seeing someone take control of their lives and live it on their terms. I’m not a huge fan of bicycling (even though we don’t own any cars), but this guy is making his dreams come true. That’s really what’s it’s all about. Who wants to be a wage slave when they can be out there exploring all the possibilities and opportunities?
Have a great 4th!
Best regards.
Amen, brotha. Thanks for stopping by!
Wow great story. Thanks for sharing!
It’s not always all about money, haha. Thanks for sharing and have a great weekend!
Good for this guy. Jed is truly an inspiration! His pictures are really awesome!
Great story!! I noticed the producer is Tom Shadyac. If you haven’t ever seen it, I highly recommend the documentary “I AM”. It is about Tom Shadyac’s experience of simplifying his life. He is a multi-multi-millionaire who downsized from a life of mansions and private jets to live a more meaningful life. You can find it on YouTube, Netflix or at your library. Very inspiring.
Here is a link to the trailer for “I AM”.
Just watched it, wow… He produced Ace Ventura! Haha… Anyone connected to that move is already a friend of mine :) But totally going to find it so I can watch that – it looks amazing.
I also went back to the credits and saw that Sophia Bush was an exec producer of it too, interesting?
Mad inspiring bro… I’m going to go quit my job on Monday and just tell my wife I’m going on a bike trip with Jed. Seriously though, he’s right — when we get into routines we get bored and things aren’t interesting. Then years pass you by and you don’t even know what happened. Thx for sharing J
The funny thing is that I don’t care much for biking at all. But the freedom from routine and activating the brain is where it’s at! I’ll jump on a bike or bus or whatever it takes to rock that ;) And just hope my family follows me – hah.
That video was very nice and inspiring. We, all too often, get into that “routine” and just accept what we are given. I love seeing videos that challenge that mentality! Thanks for the pick me up for the weekend!
I am all about biking across the world. I actually have a friend who did a very similar trip a few years back (Seattle to Mexico). It created a profound and lasting shift in his life and I don’t think those wonderful changes would have happened if he hadn’t taken that risk.
I can only imagine! Your friend has some balls and heart – I like it.
I absolutely loved this video, and had seen it previously on Retire29’s site – it was an awesome write-up too. Really got me thinking about the path I’m on and the goals I’ve set, and has definitely had an impact on me. Now to just take action and keep persisting!
The action part is key! I’m trying to harness it into something myself over here – even if just small – before I forget and go back to normalcy, haha… I really think I’m going to make it a calendar item to watch once a month :)
I left my job last year to travel and looking back on the decision, it’s probably one of the riskiest things I did in my life. The uncertainty of where I’ll end up excites me and scares me at the same time. I can resonate with some of his thoughts Jedihiah shares in his video.
Oh man, I bet! So you’re still out there traveling right now? Are you working at same time or just soaking up the experience? You’re pretty damn good with flights and points and what not so def. a good skill to put to use with such a lifestyle :) I admire you man!
We sometimes find it weird when other people do things that are strange, but, what matters is they find happiness and contentment in whatever they choose to do in life. After all, we all have different definition of what real happiness is.
Amazing. Thank you for sharing this great find. That’s my greatest fear…to let one day blend into the next and to stop being in awe of the world around me. Thankfully, new experiences inoculate us from that possibility.
Right?? It should be mandatory for everyone to watch this :)
OMG, this is a great find! This is part of my whole financial goal is to be able to go ride my bike all over the world to explore. I really, really understand the traveling waking up the brain and routine makes life boring and dull. There is nothing better than traveling and seeing the world on a bike, to me at least in this point of time!
Is there anyway to get his routes and highlights?
Great question! I think he came out with a book about it all, so I’m sure you can find it in there or somewhere online. Google him up – you’ll find tons of awesome stuff he’s producing :)