Don’t forget to make your NCAA picks! (it starts tomorrow)

That’s right, you have tonight and tomorrow early morning to fill out all bazillion of your NCAA brackets before the games start! (Unless you could care less, in which case read this) I’m officially in three this year, and since i have NO idea what i’m doing, I just picked really wildly to piss off my friends/co-workers ;)

But who knows, maybe i’ll win the $1,000,000 “perfect bracket” that Yahoo is happily throwing out there! You have better odds at winning the lottery, but it’s still a shot. Here are my final picks on each of the brackets, along w/ the money i’d win if i score the most points:

  1. Work (which is mandatory or i get fired btw): North Carolina. Buy in is $10 with a chance at winning a $300ish for first, $100ish for second, and your $10 buy in for third.
  2. Friends (also mandatory or i get made fun of): Villanova. Buy in is $0, with chance of winning $50…not sure who’s fronting this, but it sure ain’t me.
  3. Bloggers (not mandatory, but why not at this point?): Michigan State. No buy in or pot.

As the saying goes, If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em! Good luck to all NCAA lovers & haters out there.

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