INSIDE: Here are a bunch of debt free charts you can download and color in to keep you motivated! All for FREE, courtesy of…
Browsing Category Saving Money
A bunch of articles on saving money :) And also the original title of this blog, before I realized it was taken, haha… keep hoarding those dollars!
6 more $$$ hacks!
Here are a bunch more hacks to add to that FIRE Spreadsheet ;) I was going to wait until I had a little more saved…
*How* we grew our net worth to $900k
It dawned on me the other day that unless you’ve been reading the blog for a while, you probably haven’t a clue *how* we’ve grown…
7 ways my kids actually SAVE me money
There’s a lot of talk on how much kids COST you over the years (with some bloggers even going as far as tracking it every month…
More proof this money stuff is possible!!
Good morning! If you’re looking for some extra motivation today, hopefully these snippets I’m about to share from the community will do the trick! So…
Ode to Pennies
The other day I did something I’m deeply ashamed of. I saw a penny on the ground and I DIDN’T PICK IT UP!!! I don’t…
6 Ways to Avoid The Diderot Effect
A friend of mine passed me this article on Denis Diderot who I could have sworn we’ve blogged about before, but a quick search told…
How To Never Retire
A reader passed this over to me yesterday and thought it was pretty good :) (Thanks Richard!) “A 20-Step Guide to a Horrible Retirement” via…
Should we go for a 15 year or 30 year mortgage?
Morning! Wanna ask your advice in a moment, but let me hit you with a quick status of where we are in our home purchasing…
12 Excellent Money Hacks For Ya
My database of tips is filling up again, so time to pour them out! Here are a bunch of notes people have shot me in…