My favorite surf spot is Topanga Beach. Itβs a pretty well-known break in Los Angeles, so it attracts all types of surfers from around the…
Browsing Category Get Motivated
The time will pass anyway
A quick reminder today: Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass…
A New Year’s Secret
Most people don’t know this, but I promise it’s true. A fairy once told me, Now I pass it on to you! He flew into…
8 Money Challenges For The New Year!
INSIDE: Here’s a handful of great ways to save more and spend less in the new year! These money challenges make your goals much easier…
“Inhale confidence, exhale doubt”
Caught that quote at the end of an email from a reader (thx Nikeya!) and been trying to practice it all week :) When I’m…
12 More #Money Ideas to Try
Morning, beautiful people!! Got a handful of new tips to share with y’all from our community this morning :) I keep a running document over…
Remember when you wanted what you currently have?
Came across this quote last week and can’t stop contemplating it: Remember when you wanted what you currently have? Something so haunting, yet so beautiful…
Things you can do that rich people do
Here’s a list of everything you can do whether you’ve got millions in the bank or not. So, basically, it’s a list of things to…
If I received $1,000 what would I do with it?
Here’s a fun exercise to add to your net worth reports every month :) (Or just RIGHT NOW – because who doesn’t like playing this…
From a newspaper circa 1909: —————————– READY MONEY. —————————– A dollar gives you confidence, Five makes you walk on air, A ten-spot lets you face…