Book Giveaway #3: The Hero with a Million Dollars

The Hero With a Million DollarsGot 4 of these books to give away – so be sure to enter! The winner of last week’s The Other 8 Hours giveaway was Edward – congrats!

The Hero with a Million Dollars: Follow the Path of the Hero to Wealth, Success and Financial Independence

Here’s what Amazon says about it: The Hero with a Million Dollars uses Joseph Campbell’s path of the hero as a template to help people define their purpose, discover their passion and build a life of wealth and fulfillment. With practical advice and immense wisdom, The Hero with a Million Dollars packs a volume of advice in a book that can be read in a single sitting. The Hero’s Journey has been used as an inspirational source for movies and novels for decades. Now, William Radford expertly applies the stages of the journey to help readers define their purpose, discover their values and create outcomes that lead to success.

Want it? Drop a comment with how you’d lead a fulfilling life if you didn’t have to worry about money (because you’re rich, bitch!) I will announce the 4 winners this weekend – U.S. Only, sorry.

More from Amazon: The Hero with a Million Dollars: Follow the Path of the Hero to Wealth, Success and Financial Independence
*Giveaway Over: The 4 winners are “Another Not the Same Brian,” “JOB’s Money – Free By 30,” Alicia, and Judy Lee! Congrats guys :)

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  1. cdub April 11, 2010 at 10:54 PM

    i’d help others by joining a non-profit with a focus on educating kids.

  2. Brian April 11, 2010 at 11:32 PM

    I’d like to live off or nearly off the grid someday. I would find this very fulfilling.

  3. Another Not the Same Brian April 12, 2010 at 12:15 AM

    I like cdub’s idea about educating kids, but I think I would focus on language. As Americans, I think we have held ourselves back by not teaching our kids another language or two as they have grown up. English is tough, so I understand why we had to focus on it so much growing up. But just one little weekly class on French, German, Italian, or Spanish from 1st grade up just seems like a good thing to me. I know I wish I would have received that extra bit of education!

  4. Caity April 12, 2010 at 1:43 AM

    I’d switch from finance to studio art/industrial design and then restore old homes and repurpose items into homegoods/art. I love the combination of eco-conscious, budget friendly and fun — it would be such a great (second) career!

  5. Sarah April 12, 2010 at 3:39 AM

    I ask myself this all the time! I (tentatively) plan on being self-made millionaire by the age of 30 haha. I’d probably become really involved in church planting, helping fund missionaries, and help other ministries i have a heart for. I’d also devote myself heavily into one really good, worthwhile cause, like LiNK, which aims to help refugees of the North Korean human rights crisis.

  6. ashley April 12, 2010 at 6:11 AM

    I would foster dogs for sure. I love dogs and mine would love to have new friends all of time. I really want to volunteer to walk the dogs at the Michigan Humane Society but they have certian hours you have to walk them and I’m at work :(

  7. Keith @ LifeTuner April 12, 2010 at 7:19 AM

    I disagree with the premise that you need to be rich in order to live a fulfilling life. I’ve been thinking about this quite a bit. I moved away from a small town and manage to make decent money compared with many of my friends who are still stuck there. I hear stories about their poor money habits all the time. Cell phones getting turned off because they can’t afford the bill, etc. I can’t help but think that if I made the same amount as them, I would still live happily and responsibly. No amount of money is going to teach a person how to properly manage their finances. There is always something to spend it on. You should always be “worried about money,” even if you’re rich.

  8. Bucksome Boomer April 12, 2010 at 8:39 AM

    If I didn’t need to work for money than I’d work for my passion which is breaking the cycle of poverty. We’ve come a long way in our country in the past 50 years, but have a ways to go.

  9. Nate April 12, 2010 at 9:49 AM

    I would open an animal sanctuary. I currently have dogs, cats, a pig, geese, and horses…all rescues. My wife and I have been able to give them good lives and I would like to do that with more abused, neglected, or simply forgotten animals. Of course, this is not inexpensive, and we do what we can, but we would like to do so much more.

  10. Money Funk April 12, 2010 at 10:00 AM

    It’s about setting foot out in the world to help the children in poverty. Getting them clothes, food, health, and basic education. If I had the time and money.. that’s what I would set out to do.

  11. JOB's Money - Free By 30 April 12, 2010 at 12:00 PM

    I think I’d probably quit my day job, or at least quit it once there’s a problem that bothers me enough dealing with the higher ups. Then I’d likely start up my own business or join with someone else teaching SCUBA diving because it’s so relaxing and in my free time I’d likely buy the ugly house on the good neighborhood, fix it up and either live in it or sell it. It’s good to help the local area with abandoned homes. :-)

  12. Christine April 12, 2010 at 12:28 PM

    Quit my current job, take myself and my significant other on a nice long trip around the world, laze around for a bit and prolly just find another job (so I don’t get bored) and just invest the money and live comfortably. Or maybe I’ll just randomly do things and see what happens!

  13. Becky April 12, 2010 at 1:35 PM

    Its all about paying it forward…. After I became debt free, I would find another young married couple and donate to their being debt free.

  14. Bryan D April 12, 2010 at 1:50 PM

    Hmmm…I guess I would work part time and use the rest of the time to read, write, donate my time, make life a tad more interesting for the wife and spend tons of time with my kids!! I take checks ;)

  15. Ryan April 12, 2010 at 1:51 PM

    Travel around the world visiting completely off the wall places and live in each for a couple of years and then move on the next. Set up “safe” savings plans for next generations to use down the line. Live the life that people dream of when they were a child just do everything in gun to do in the world.

  16. A. Moore April 12, 2010 at 6:44 PM

    I would raise alpacas! (seriously) and some sheep. And potentially rabbits. I really like to knit, in case you were wondering the connection.

    Also, if I really didn’t have to worry about money, I think I would very much like to help do the media relations thing on transexuality. A friend of mine recently came out to me as male to female, and almost cried during our conversation. I’d been lucky enough to know another transexual previously, so I understood where she was coming from- and I apparently was the first person to articulate what she was feeling about the process. I hated the fact that she had so much difficulty explaining herself to people, and would like to help alleviate that for other people.

  17. Mike April 12, 2010 at 11:02 PM

    I would live off the grid in the midwest, build small projects, and travel.

  18. AceKen April 13, 2010 at 12:35 AM

    Of course I would love to travel the world and I also would like to create some sort of sports league.

  19. J. Money April 13, 2010 at 10:28 AM

    Woah, I’d like to see you all put this into action baby! So interesting to see all the varying responses and ideas here – kinda makes me look dull! ;) haha…I wish you all nothing but luck in these! Keep ’em coming…

  20. Thirtysomething Finance April 13, 2010 at 2:41 PM

    I’d be a financial advisor/life coach. I think people get off track sometimes, both personally/professionally and financially, and I’d love to help people get back on track. I’m getting myself on track these days, and it feels great! I’m also a long time fan of Joseph Campbell and his writing — I’m currently working my way through “The Hero With a Thousand Faces” (just found a copy I bought about 12 years ago!) — so I’m particularly interested in seeing where the author takes this!

  21. Anthony April 13, 2010 at 3:13 PM

    I would travel all over the world. But not to “tourist”-y places. To remote places of the world. And live like the locals live.

  22. Ernest S. April 13, 2010 at 9:26 PM

    I’ve been inspired by reading about micro-lending in the developing world. If money were no issue, then I think I would love to dedicate my time to helping others build their financial future and independence through entrepreneurial endeavors.

  23. Meghan April 16, 2010 at 2:47 PM

    I’d like to travel and counsel people going through life’s struggles.

  24. Krystle April 16, 2010 at 2:48 PM

    I believe if I were financially independent (which I’m working on slowly), on a professional level I wouldn’t have to work for money, or stay at a job for the sake of money if it’s a toxic environment. I’d really like to share my wisdom with teenagers from financially disadvantaged backgrounds so they wouldn’t make some of the same mistakes I made or my family members made/make.
    It would change my life personally because I could spend more time with my family and friends, travel the world on my own, and just live a rich life.

  25. Alicia April 16, 2010 at 3:17 PM

    If I didn’t have to worry about money there would be so much that I could do but really I would just want to quit my job and stay home with my boys (ages 9 months and 22 months). And their dad would quit his job too and we’d spend the days exploring and having fun. Wouldn’t that be nice?!

  26. Miss Lissy April 16, 2010 at 4:14 PM

    I’d stop having to worry about my college tuition so much!

  27. J. Money April 18, 2010 at 8:49 PM


    The 4 winners are “Another Not the Same Brian,” “JOB’s Money – Free By 30,” Alicia, and Judy Lee! Congrats, guys :)